At the end of the 2014-2015 school year, we surveyed parents to ask how we could better support the academic, social, and developmental needs of all children. Parents were asked to respond to a pair of questions: “What are we doing well?” and “What could we be doing better?” Participation in the survey was anonymous, and feedback from that survey served as a starting point for the district strategic plan and as a guide for our MRMS school improvement plan.
At the end of the 2015-2016 school year, we repeated the parent survey. We also expanded its focus by inviting staff to respond. Attached, please find a summary of the feedback from the 2015-16 MRMS parent and teacher survey. This summary is being shared first with MRMS staff. Subsequently, the feedback will be shared with our school council and the regional school committee.
Thanks to everyone for your thoughtful responses. Your feedback is valuable and – by summarizing and sharing it publicly – we honor your input and we build a collaborative culture of trust and open communication.
Mark Wilson, Principal