We have spent years dreaming up a futurewith robots, for better or for worse.They’re either super sweet like Bicentennial Manand WALL-E or super terrifying like in iRobot or the Terminator.But what if I told you scientists have beenmaking robots that you can’t see or hearas they creep up on human civilization.That’s right, scientists are working on making very tiny robots.In the future, these nanobots might beable to deliver drugs anywhere in the body,clean up oil spills and do a lot more.Time to learn about the rise of the molecular machines.These incredibly small gadgets are made from molecules that are ordersof magnitude smaller than a human cell.They move, change form, and most importantlydo work on their environment, all thanksto scientists controlling their chemical and physical properties.So far, scientists have created molecular motors,switches, shuttles, turnstiles, and even nanocars.