The articles were read and the design features identified in order tocompile sets of recommendations for designing intergenerational digitalgames. Each study was repeatedly read and recommendations were highlightedusing open coding (Given, 2008). The main theme was“Recommendations for designing intergenerational digital games” and thesubthemes were those presented in Table 1, i.e., enable social interactions,shared context, and meeting places; add video chat functionality andcomputer-mediated communication; involve both generations in the designprocess of games; attend to the player’s context; enable changes of low timecommitment and asynchronous play; prioritize peer-to-peer mentoring, collaboration,scaffolding, and learning; simulate real-life problems and roleplaying;foster interactive narratives and productive play; prioritize physical,mixed-reality games, and multimodal interaction; provide easy-to-use interfaceand adaptable game controllers and; enable passive/watching play. Codeswere then organized in Microsoft Excel, to make it easier to identify similaritiesand differences between studies.