The process of air traffic control and ATC operation of an airplane departure from the airport to take the plane out of the airport. The pilot must make a flight plan, also known as Flight Plan (click Preview). What are the serial devices at the destination airport? Alternative Airport If you can't get to the destination airport How long can the fuel in the machine fly? Flight route to go speed Desired ceiling (the height that the pilot asks to be the height at which the aircraft can save the most fuel, but sometimes ATC cannot provide the requested height due to traffic congestion). The expected time to run depends on the time it takes to reach the country zone (if it is an international flight) and a lot of important information.<br><br>Once ATC has received all the information, check the weather and review the flight plan again. Before you type data into the paper strip, the progress of the flight is called Flight Progress Strip (click Preview). This paper feed is used to keep track of the planes along the way, with the Update of data at all times. After the pilot is allowed to take out the machine. The flight report bar will be forwarded to the Ground Controller or on ground control officers. The pilot will need to contact the aircraft enforcement officer for the engine and request a Push Back (rear-push, reverse, docking, terminal). Once the machine is ready, contact the Ground Controller again for the next run, and when the plane is near the runway. The control is transferred to the Aviation Force Tower (Local Controller or Tower).<br><br>If everything is safe and secure Tower, which controls the rise-down of all planes in the airport, it allows the machine to be brought up by the sentence "Cleared for Takeoff", with a new radio frequency for the pilot to be informed. To contact you after you have taken the machine with this new frequency of Departure Controller (the outbound Control officer), which is used at TRACON (Terminal Radar Approach Control). Meanwhile, the pilot will activate a device called Transponder, which detects incoming radio signals, then sends signals with encrypted data. The speed of destination is displayed on the controller's radar screen, but for modern machines. This device will run automatically.<br><br>The departure Controller provides information to the pilot to the distance from each aircraft, with the direction of the ceiling velocity, which the pilot must comply with, or may be prompted to pilot a flight with a standard outbound route (SID: Standard Instrument Departure) until the Departure Controller sees that the machine enters the desired or secure path, then it will forward the control. The Area Control's air traffic control center, which is clearly divided into areas. Take care until the aircraft is arriving or out of the country.<br><br>The air traffic control in the flight route divides the type of aircraft in two groups: aircraft flying without a lot of assistive equipment. In other words, we are flying as a decision-making rule (Visual Flight Rule: In other words, the aircraft is equipped with aircraft operating measuring equipment (Instrument Flight Rule: IFR). The aircraft in this group must make a flight plan to be submitted to the control center and listen to the instructions at all times. The Air traffic Control center will ensure that the binklum is in place and the appropriate route.<br><br>A controlled device called an automatic aircraft tracking device (Automatic Dependent Surveillance: ADS) is used to transmit the position of the aircraft as a rainbow line. It increases positioning accuracy and is very helpful in routes over the ocean.<br><br>While flying along the route When the location reporting point The pilot must contact the Khum Center for further information. At the same time, the Khum Center will also provide information to the pilot. Air traffic controllers may be instructed to change the route or change the height depending on the weather or congestion of the aircraft in the flight route, so a flight may not be flying on the first scheduled flight plan, as the ATC is primarily considered safety.<br><br>The introduction of the aircraft to the airport, the control forwarding is carried out to the machine near the destination. The Area Control near the airport, the destination recognizes the flight plan at the departure airport, by letting the pilot reduce the ceiling flying down to the appropriate airport distance. It also adjusts the direction of the flight to the airport drop-down circuit, which is a pre-facing flight for each airport.<br><br>When an aircraft is bound to a radius of 50 nautical miles from the airport The machine will be forwarded to the control zone of the airport's Approach Control, which will take care of the flight to the airport according to the standard arrival route (STAR: Standard Terminal Arrival Route), which is designed to take into account the appropriate conditions. The overall traffic conditions, including the surrounding airports, are defined as routes to help ensure the safest aircraft control.