Blend . Controls the size of the
blend between the two colors in
the filter.
Vertical Shift . Controls the
placement of the filter’s horizon.
Rotation . Controls the angle of the filter’s horizon.
Graduated Fog
Complete Edition
Simulates traditional fog effect (very strong soft focus giving the
appearance of fog) in one half of the image.
From the pull-down menu, select one of the styles of the Fog effect.
Each style provides the following controls:
Chapter 9: Filter Descriptions
Opacity . Controls the overall strength of the filter.
Blend . Controls the size of the blend between the fog effect and the
original image details.
Vertical Shift . Controls the placement of the filter’s horizon.
Rotation . Controls the angle of the filter’s horizon.
Graduated Neutral Density
Complete Edition Select Edition
Darkens or lightens a portion of an
image while preserving the color of
the image. Use this filter to help
correct the tonality of an image
with too much contrast.
Upper Tonality . Controls the
brightness of the top portion of the
Lower Tonality . Controls the
brightness of the bottom portion of
the filter.
Vertical Shift . Controls the
placement of the filter’s horizon.
Rotation . Controls the angle of
the filter’s horizon.
Blend . Controls the size of the blend between the fog effect and the
original image details.
Graduated User Defined
Complete Edition Select Edition
Blends a user-defined color into a portion of an image, with a
gradual transition to the original image.
Color . Specifies the color of the graduated effect to be applied to
the image. To select a color for this control you may either use the
eyedropper within the active image or click on the color patch using
the color picker in your image editing application.
Opacity . Controls the overall strength of the filter.
Blend . Controls the size of the blend between the two colors
in the filter.
Vertical Shift . Controls the placement of the filter’s horizon.
Rotation . Controls the angle of the filter’s horizon.
Chapter 9: Filter Descriptions
High Key
New in Color Efex Pro 3.0 Complete Edition
Simulates the look of high-key photography, characterized by
uniformly light tones and low contrast.
Add Glow . Controls the degree of glow around objects from the
high key effect.
Saturation . Controls the overall vibrancy of colors by increasing or
decreasing saturation throughout the image.
Effect Strength . Controls the degree to which you want to apply
the filter.
Indian Summer
Complete Edition
Identifies foliage and greenery in an image and enhances or stylizes
those objects, creating warm colors similar to seasonal fall scenery.
From the pull-down menu, select one of the effects of the Indian
Summer filter. Each option provides the following control:
Enhance Foliage . Controls the degree to which you want to apply
the filter.
Infrared Film (9 Effects)
Complete Edition Select Edition
Simulates both Color and Black
and White Infrared films. Use this
filter to simulate different
methods of capturing the infrared
portion of the electromagnetic
radiation spectrum, and the
effects produced by films that can
capture those wavelengths.
From the pull-down menu, select Color or Black and White infrared
film types or different styles of both. Each option provides the
following controls:
Lighten Highlights . Controls the luminosity of the highlights within
the image.
Brightness . Controls the overall lightness of the image.
Contrast . Controls the overall contrast of the image.
Infrared Thermal Camera
Complete Edition Select Edition
Simulates the effect of night vision goggles or scientific heat-to-
color cameras. Use this filter to create a stylistic abstraction of the
original image.
Chapter 9: Filter Descriptions