For a school to improve and be accountable, it is critical to develop a way of classifying documents,soataxonomy,alongwithappraisalcriteriaandaretentionscheduleforrecord andarchivemanagementtoenableaschooltoconductknowledgeelicitationandknowledge validation.Thereareveryfewpapersthatdiscusshowschoolsshouldmanagetheirrecords. This paper explores how schools can carry out effective record management practices to ensure that they are publicly accountable and can develop their own organisations. This study examines the records management model using a case study that focuses on the experience of implementing records management and knowledge management (KM) at school. The case study is a public secondary school in Hong Kong, which has adopted the International Standard Organization (ISO) standard and is implementing KM. The results show that a hybrid record management system involving both top-down and bottom-up approaches was adopted by the case study school to elicit knowledge for decision-making andmanagingknowledge.