Procedure for streaking plates for primary isolation
1. Sterilize the inoculating loop in the incinerator for 5 to 10s. Allow the loop to cool thoroughly before streaaking medium. A sterile plastic loop can be used in place of the sterile inoculating loop.
2. Pass the cooled loop back and forth through the inoculum in the first quadrant several times.
3. Do not flame the loop between the quadrants unless necessary.
4. Turn the plate a quarter turn, and pass the loop through the edge of the first quadrant approximately four times while streaking into the second quadrant. Continue streaking in the second quadrant without going back to first quadrant, approximately four times.
5. Turn the plate another quadrant turn, and pass the loop through the edge of the second quadrant approximately four times while streaking into the third quadrant.
Continue streaking in the third quadrant without going back into the second quadrant, approximately four times.
6. Flame the loop between plates to prevent carrying over a possible contaminant from the previous plate.
7. Continue streaking the rest of the culture media in the same manner
8. Inoculate suitable nutrient broth with 1 to 2 loopfuls of specimen or swab.