Suzhou TOM Electronics Co., Ltd. manufacturing and
selling cable assemblies used in mainly communication
industry, and medical, transportation and new energy
industries as well. As an excellent supplier for the firstclass
enterprises in telecommunications industry, we have
a full set of business functions such as product
development, authentication, scale production, customer
service and so on along with its rapid development. We
are developing the domestic business at the same time of
actively opening up the international market.
Suzhou TOM Electronics Co., Ltd. manufacturing andselling cable assemblies used in mainly communicationindustry, and medical, transportation and new energyindustries as well. As an excellent supplier for the firstclassenterprises in telecommunications industry, we havea full set of business functions such as productdevelopment, authentication, scale production, customerservice and so on along with its rapid development. Weare developing the domestic business at the same time ofactively opening up the international market.