buona sera chiedo gentilmente se possibile fare la fattura sull'ordine in oggetto intestato a Francesco innocenti Via L.Manara, 08 65016 Montesilvano P.Iva 01787120680 c.f. nncfnc71r04g482y certi di un vs riscontro porgo i miei distinti saluti
good evening I ask kindly if possible make the invoice on order in the name of Francis innocents Via l. Manara, 65016 Montesilvano 08 p. Iva 01787120680 c.f. nncfnc71r04g482ysure a vs I feedback my yours truly
Good evening, please as far as possible to the command object invoice to take Francesco's innocent. 65016 Manara, 08 Montesilvano P 01787120680 c.f. nncfnc71r04g482y . Value added tax, determine the one with my cordial greetings