Payeer withdrawals missing during migration!
We did finish our database history for the payements with Payeer. For those claiming it was marked as paid but didn't arrive in their Payeer account , here is how to proceed:
Go to your summary withdrawal find the payment in your history that you claim was not paid to your Payeer account.
Copy the ID of that payment request starting with W
Send that ID to:
We will input that ID into the database and if your payement was not proceed it will be done immediately.
The database will calculate : total amount you did request minus total amount you did receive and will pay you the difference...
we will do that during those next 24h and releasing the Payeer withdrawals request as fast as we can.
The little % of not paid request was during the two migration system we had... At last update we did made new perfect back system and this problems are not possible since then.
We thanx you for your patience and help
PS: some have been paid more than requested..