During online shopping festivals, consumers are more likely than usual to makebuying decisions in an impulsive manner [1, 2, 41]. Given the important role of onlineshopping festivals in consumers’ purchase decision behavior, a stream of research hasexamined the underlying motivational mechanism. For example, Yan et al. (2016)described four typical characteristics of online shopping festivals (i.e., promotion, timepressure, social environment, and store slack) that had a crucial effect on consumers’unplanned buying and attributed this effect to the stimulus–organism–response modeland self-regulation theory [41]. Akram et al. (2017) demonstrated that the emotionalfactors of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use during online shoppingfestivals affect people’s purchase behavior [2]. In addition, the motivational factors ofonline shopping festivals (hedonic and utilitarian value) were revealed to have apositive influence on consumers’ online purchase [1, 42]. Here, utilitarian value isrelated to features such as monetary savings, selection, and convenience, while hedonicvalue is the feature of social interaction and entertainment during online shoppingfestivals [1, 42]. These studies show that previous researchers were mainly focused onJournal Pre-proof4the important role of the characteristics and advantages of online shopping festivalsthemselves in the purchase decision. However, few studies have examined how productcharacteristics during online shopping festivals affect consumers’ purchase intention.Marketing investigations have found that not all product categories are popular withconsumers. Research has yet to explore which product categories can promoteconsumers’ purchase intention during online shopping festivals.