The correct sequence of open chakra is generally at the bottom of the chakras to open one one. So you must confirm your wurzel chakra opens, and you continue to open sacral, and umbilical wheel, then the heart, then the throat chakra, and three eyes round, and finally the crown.
muladhara chakra energy chakra foundation, when the sea is open, you will have a sense of security and feel welcome. When the sea round the energy is sufficient, you will have your own sense of security.
only when you have a sense of security and popular, you can be closer to fully express their feelings and sexual desire, or play sacral energy,Sacral usually refers to the emotional expression of the. The next step when you see their ideas and the likes and dislikes, you just play the navel navel energy, leading to self likes and dislikes awareness. The next step when you can perceive between different populations of likes and dislikes, can develop relations of friendship and others, also is the play of the heart chakra. The heart if there is enough energy, aggressive nature can balance the pursuit of self love navel. The next step in the presence of your relationship with others when, you can fully express their ideas and opinions, which play the throat chakra energy. The next step when you can fully express themselves,You start to think independently, you will develop insight, which is played three eye chakra. When these chakra enough, you'll be ready to open the crown chakra, Sahasrara open will help you to develop wisdom, self awareness and on my awareness.
you in which the chakras open on time, you had to be aware of and decisions. Pay attention to change their feeling, will change what pay attention to your behavior, not what to do. As you practice the chakra meditation, although you will immediately feel the benefits of meditation, but to open a chakra, and maintain their energy,Usually takes several years or even decades.
chakra test can help you decide which chakras open. But don't rely solely on the test results, you should also from other aspects of the meaning of a broad understanding of chakra.
most importantly aware of your own state. To develop this awareness, meditation is very good, especially recommended is Vipassana type of meditation. Open the order is not chakra is immutable and frozen, the most important thing is that you can perceive the energy to bring your change.