3.16 U Codes - User Header Validation
U00 Incorrectly formatted user header: field tags in block 3 are not in the correct order; or valid field
tag is present in block 3 but the colon ":" is not present immediately after the 3-digit field tag; or
closing bracket "}' is not present for block 3.
This error code will also be generated if the user header contains an invalid field tag, or if there
is no field tag after the starting bracket "{".
U01 Bad bank priority.
U02 Bad message user reference.
U03 User Header is either incorrectly formatted, (for example, does not contain the correct
combination of opening or closing brackets "{" "}" in the correct positions) or does not contain at
least one of the valid message tags:
103 Service identifier
113 Banking priority
108 Message user reference
119 Validation flag
115 Addressee information
U07 User Header not authorised in system message
U08 Invalid syntax, format, code word in tag 119, or field tag 119 is missing
U09 Special validation is undefined for this message type.
User has used tag 119 in a message that is not a candidate for special processing.
3.17 U Codes - User Abort Codes
The following codes are returned in field 441 of Service Message 13, Service Message 15, Service Message
33 and Service Message 35. For further details, see the FIN System Messages.
U02 Login positive acknowledgement/select positive acknowledgement validation error after Re-
U03 Input message to re-play not available
U04 Output sequence number-ACK to re-play not available
Chapter 3 Alphanumeric Codes
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U05 Input sequence number-ACK re-played not valid
U06 Output message re-played not valid