Four refinement decisions enhanced the validity of the scales. Initially, in terms of economy of lengthforlowerhigh-schoolsstudents,especiallystudentswithlowerliteracyscores,atleastone item was removed from each scale so that the instrument could be administered within class pastoraltime.Aconsequenceofthiswasthat,forsomescales,thereliabilitywasreduced.Based on the above data, and a review of the scales, the following decisions were implemented. Secondly,theWell-BeingscalesofEmotionalTone,AffectatSchoolandEffectiveTeachingand Learningscalesweredeleted.Thisdecisionwasbasedontwogrounds:poorinternalconsistency reliability for these three scales and conceptual overlap with other scales. Third, several items were modified to enhance their face validity. Validation data for this final form using the GippslandsampleareshowninTable 2.Finally,itwasdecidedtoreducethenumberofitemsineach scale to about three items. Additionally, shorter scales enhance the overall economy of administration of the instrument. A copy of this final form of the PLQ is in the ‘‘Appendix’’.