AlexI had to baricade myself in here though. and eventualy I ranout of fod and insulin.
AlexThen. you rescued me.
AlexSo when did you become such a brave kid huh?
a[Q]I-I just want to make sure my family is safe.
a[Q]Also. I.
AlexWhat is it a[Q]?
a[Q]I was bit.
AlexDo you know what hapens when you get bit?!
a[Q]But it was 24 days ago!
Alex24 days ago?
a[Q]I know, I don't realy know why I haven't turned into one ofthem.
a[Q]But Aby says I might be imune to the virus.
AlexWow. that's so lucky.
AlexI could have lost my favourite nephew!
a[Q]I'm your only nephew!
AlexOk, how about favourite litle guy instead?
a[Q]Right we should probably head back if you're able Auntie.
AlexYes I think I am.
a[Q]Ok, just stick by me and we'l be fine!
AlexMy my! I realy like this brave new you a[Q]!
a[Q]Uh. let's go!
a[Q]Mom, Aby, I'm home, and I've brought someone with me!
MotherAlex? Is that realy you?
AlexWel stop gawking and give your sister a hug!
MotherAlex I'm so glad you're safe!
AlexAl thanks to your wonderful son, Liz.
AlexAparently he's become quite the brave litle guy!
MotherI'm very proud of you swetie.
a[Q]T-thanks mom.
AlexHey Aby! God to se you again!
AbyAnd you Alex.
AlexSo where am I going to crash? On the couch?
AbyWe've got some beds set up in the basement.
AbyIt might not be very comfy though.
a[Q]She can have my rom.
MotherI mean-
AlexAw I get it Liz!
AlexYou want to know your son is close by at night, right?
MotherY-yes, exactly that!
AlexIt's no problem kid. Imagine 3 girls trying to share the samebathrom anyway!
AlexI'l go drop of my stuf downstairs.