Exposure limitvalues and exposure action values1. For the purposes of this Directive the exposure limitvalues and exposure action values in respect of the daily noiseexposure levels and peak sound pressure are fixed at:(a) exposure limit values: LEX,8h = 87 dB(A) andppeak = 200 Pa (1) respectively;(b) upper exposure action values: LEX,8h 85 dB(A) andppeak = 140 Pa (2) respectively;(c) lower exposure action values: LEX,8h = 80 dB(A) andppeak = 112 Pa (3) respectively.2. When applying the exposure limit values, the determination of the worker's effective exposure shall take account of theattenuation provided by the individual hearing protectors wornby the worker. The exposure action values shall not takeaccount of the effect of any such protectors.3. In duly justified circumstances, for activities where dailynoise exposure varies markedly from one working day to thenext, Member States may, for the purposes of applying theexposure limit values and the exposure action values, use theweekly noise exposure level in place of the daily noise exposurelevel to assess the levels of noise to which workers are exposed,on condition that:(a) the weekly noise exposure level as shown by adequatemonitoring does not exceed the exposure limit value of87 dB(A); and(b) appropriate measures are taken in order to reduce the riskassociated with these activities to a minimum.