Inconsistency Scores on the Inconsistency scale indicate the extent to which the respondent answered similar BRIEF2 items in an inconsistent manner relative to the clinical samples. For example, a high Inconsistency score might be associated with the combination of responding Never to the item “Small events trigger big reactions” and Often to the item “Becomes upset too easily.” Item pairs comprising the Inconsistency scale are shown in the following summary table. T scores are not generated for the Inconsistency scale. Instead, the absolute value of the raw difference scores for the eight paired items are summed, and the total difference score (i.e., the Inconsistency score) is compared with the cumulative percentile of similar scores in the combined clinical sample and used to classify the protocol as either Acceptable, Questionable, or Inconsistent. The Inconsistency score of 1 is within the Acceptable range, suggesting that the rater was reasonably consistent in responding to BRIEF2 items.