Calculation Inputs:1. Time-to-failure input, one record per line.20 f42 s50 f78 f83 s89 s102 f139 fInput is limited to approximately 1,600 lines for Weibull parameter analysis. Weibull probability plot is limited to approximately 300 points. Remove commas from input data. 2. Options:Decimal places Confidence level: Summary table Increment/order table Box 1 input on output pagePlots: Weibull, F(t), R(t), f(t), h(t), Failure timeline Parameters used for plots: RRY MLE RRXRank Regression on Y (RRY), Rank Regression on X (RRX), Maximum Liklihood Estimate (MLE)Salient pointsTime: F10 Shows dot on plots. Enter value between min and max life, or an encoded number, such as F10 for 10% life. X-axis label:Time (Hours) Use a test data set: Selecting a test data set will overide all other inputs above.