4.1. Frequency characteristics of hotel attributes<br>Customer ratings of one or two stars were considered by this study tobe complaininginnature.FortheOverall rating,themajority ofthese 62.4% (N = 1260) were 2-star ratings; with the remaining 37.6% (N = 760) being 1-star ratings. The Service (N = 529), Room (N = 333), Sleep Quality (N = 304) and Value (N = 483) attributes received 1-star ratings the most, followed by 2- and 3-star ratings. This implies that these four attributes were the most important concerns to the customers when they were complaining about their stays at the hotels. Meanwhile, the Cleanliness attribute received 3-star ratings the most29.2%(N=314),followedby4-starrating24.4%(N=263).The attribute contributing least to the overall dissatisfaction of the customers was Location, which received 4-star ratings the most 33.1% (N = 350), followed by 5- and 3-star ratings. In other words, the hotel location is less likely to be complained by hotel guests