Setting up OpenIV
IMPORTANT: If you don't have OpenIV installed and/or configured:
First download the OpenIV here and install it
Run it and click in the game that you want to mod
It will ask the game folder, for GTA IV for example it's (commonly):
C:Program FilesRockstar GamesGrand Theft Auto IV
or for Steam users:
C:Program FilesSteamsteamappscommongrand theft auto ivGTAIV
Close OpenIV.
Installing .oiv files (easy setup files)
Now that your OpenIV is ready to make modifications on your GTA let's see how to install the .oiv files
*Remember: It's recommended do those steps with the game closed :)
When you download a OpenIV package you will have an .oiv file that must be opened with OpenIV:
Open the OpenIV and click in Package Installer and select the .oiv file:
You will see the initial screen that will have buttons to choose the game version, click in the game version that you plan to install the mod:
In the next step you will choose what to install, commonly the mod will come with one option only, my mods goes with two or three, depending on gta iv/eflc choice, basically what we need to do first is install the mod, then, if necessary, install the additional files:
So, after installing the mod (first option) you need to install the ScriptHook if you don't have it installed.
To see if your ScriptHook is installed and working, with the character on screen, press ' or ~, a black window should appear, this is the scripthook's console window:
Manual setup - How to manually install .oiv files
If you can't install using OpenIV you can install the mod manually, it's very simple, you just need a file compression unity like WinZIP or WinRAR.
Open the .oiv file with winzip or winrar and you will see this files:
Inside folder "content" you will see all required files, now just copy the folder Scripts to your gtaiv.exe (or eflc.exe) folder and copy the ScriptHook files if you don't have the ScriptHook installed.
*The ScriptHook files are: dsound.dll (ASI loader), NAudio.dll (required to play some sounds), ScriptHook.dll, ScriptHook.dll.4 (that should overwrite ScriptHook.dll when installing it on game with patch or lower) and ScriptHookDotNet.asi
**Extra folders (like Models to IV) may contain models that must be installed in game.
设置 OpenIV重要提示: 如果你没有 OpenIV 安装和/或配置:首先下载 OpenIV 这里并安装它运行它,并单击要 mod 的游戏中它会问游戏文件夹中,为侠盗猎车手四例如 (一般是):C:Program FilesRockstar GamesGrand 侠盗猎车 IV或为蒸汽用户:C:Program FilesSteamsteamappscommongrand 盗窃汽车 ivGTAIV关闭 OpenIV。*** 安装.oiv 文件 (易于安装文件)现在你 OpenIV 已准备好进行修改你 GTA 让我们看看如何安装.oiv 文件* 请记住: 建议做这些步骤关闭:) 的游戏当你下载一个 OpenIV 包你会用 OpenIV 必须打开.oiv 文件:打开 OpenIV 和在程序包安装程序中单击,选择.oiv 文件:您将看到会有选择的游戏版本,在您计划要安装 mod 的游戏版本中单击的按钮的初始屏幕:您将选择要安装的下一步,通常国防部会带一个选项只,我 mods 去与两个或三个,根据 gta iv/eflc 选择,基本上我们需要做什么首先是安装 mod,然后,如果有必要,安装附加文件:如此后安装 mod, (第一种方案) 您需要安装 ScriptHook,如果你没有安装它。看看你的 ScriptHook 安装和使用的字符在屏幕上,记者或 ~,应该出现一个黑色的窗口,这是 scripthook 的控制台窗口:***Manual setup - How to manually install .oiv filesIf you can't install using OpenIV you can install the mod manually, it's very simple, you just need a file compression unity like WinZIP or WinRAR.Open the .oiv file with winzip or winrar and you will see this files:Inside folder "content" you will see all required files, now just copy the folder Scripts to your gtaiv.exe (or eflc.exe) folder and copy the ScriptHook files if you don't have the ScriptHook installed.*The ScriptHook files are: dsound.dll (ASI loader), NAudio.dll (required to play some sounds), ScriptHook.dll, ScriptHook.dll.4 (that should overwrite ScriptHook.dll when installing it on game with patch or lower) and ScriptHookDotNet.asi**Extra folders (like Models to IV) may contain models that must be installed in game.