In Table 2 the correlation analysis is repeated for two differentcredit grades: A and D. This demonstrates how different the two creditgrades are from each other. Now that the aggregate credit informationvariable is already taken into account in the data sampling itself, wecan see that the decision variables become much more important. Thecorrelations of the ‘amount’ and the ‘starting rate’ are now relativelyhigh. The correlations of the ‘funding option’ and the ‘duration’ seemto remain at a low level. Note that the number of observations inTable 1 is different across attributes. For example, the ‘Debt to Income’attribute was not calculated in cases where income was not reported,or it was zero.Now that the samples already contain information about the creditgrade, the correlations of the rest of the credit information variablesare significantly lower. It would seem that the ‘debt-to-income ratio’would have the highest correlation with success of the listing within acredit grade. ‘Homeownership’ seems to be problematic. In creditgrade A there is no correlation at all. In credit grade D the correlation isnegative, which is counter-intuitive. Owning a house seems tonegatively affect the borrower's chances of getting the loan funded.Because of this inconsistency, this variable was omitted.1 Apparently,the delinquency related credit information variables seem to havesome correlation with the success of the listing, but this time the‘current delinquencies’ are more heavily emphasized. The ‘amountdelinquent’ and ‘delinquencies last 7 years’ seem to underperform the‘current delinquencies’ throughout the data. The last credit informationvariable, the ‘income’, behaves very inconsistently. In credit gradeA the correlation is very small but positive. In credit grade D thecorrelation is negative, which is again counter-intuitive. It could bethat people expect borrowers with high income to manage theirfinancial situation better than credit grade D implies. The correlationof the income variable is relatively low, perhaps because the income isself-reported and possibly inaccurate.Based on this analysis the most influential variables are the‘starting rate’, ‘amount requested’, ‘credit grade’, ‘debt-to-income ratio’ and ‘current delinquencies’.2 The development of the borrowerdecision aid was designed with this set of variables.