Dear Mr Dean Yang ,
Greeting from CB Bank . Let me introduce myself first . I am Florence ,Relationship Manager from Corporate Banking Department . I have got your contact from Mr Sonoda . I would like to provide required information for opening bank accounts at CB Bank. Kindly find the required documents below .
Copy of Registration Certificate
Copy of Form I ,Form 6 and Form 26
Copy of MOA/AOA
BOD Resolution
Meeting Minutes
Cover Letter
Power of Attorney for non directors
Required to fill up Application Forms and sign on Signature Card
Passport and visa copy or NRC copy
I have send some attached file for your reference . If you have any query or clarification , do let us know . Looking forward to working with you soon . Thank you.
Best Regards,
Relationship Manager
Corporate Banking
Description: Description: cb logo
Co-Operative Bank Ltd., (PLC)
#334/336, Crner of 23rd Street and Strand Road, Latha Township, 11142 Yangon, Myanmar.
Office Tel : (+951) 384919, 250302
Office Fax: (+951) 250269, 250028