SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21
The focus remains on your career, prestige relations, authorities, worldly standing/reputation, and your ambitions this week and next, Scorpio. Two “side trends” exist, also: 1) your social scene sweetens with affection and opportunity to late August, which can help you schmooze and put in a good word for yourself; 2) your income expands rapidly until late September. This can hint at a pay raise, more clients, etc. However, money now is a two-edged sword, as you’ll be as prone to spend as to collect – curtail spending, or you could end up with less than you have now. Spend Sun./Mon. quietly, restfully. Contemplate, examine your life, where you have been and where you’re going…then make plans. Avoid action, commitments, as your luck’s low. Be charitable, spiritual. Your energy and charisma surge upward Tues./Wed. – luck rides with you, so get out, mingle, make contacts, start significant projects, especially in the business or career realms. Chase money Thurs. midday to Sat. night – but carefully, as many obstacles and irritants exist. Work makes money Thurs. Once note: don’t fall in/start a new love this week: bad results.