。As a health editor, I spend the majority of my day poring over content related to health. At HuffPost, we're lucky to talk to experts on a daily basis about how to live our best lives. It’s clear that life would be healthier if we would just do the following things. Sure, some of these are easier said than done.
1.Have a bedtime.
Sleep is considered the third pillar(支柱) of health, and for good reason. Research is only making it increasingly clear that not getting enough of the stuff can have serious health effects. Meanwhile, getting enough sleep is good for everything ranging from weight, to mood, to even the immune system. One of the simplest things you can do to ensure you get enough sleep each night is to set a bedtime. Forgive yourself if you can't meet it every night, but make a point to try to stick to it.
2. Cultivate your emotional intelligence
To have emotional intelligence means to be "confident, good at working towards your goals and adaptable. You recover quickly from stress." psychologist Daniel Goleman previously told HuffPost. It's made up of five parts: social skills, empathy, motivation, self-awareness and self-regulation. And fortunately, these are all traits you can cultivate. Be curious about things beyond yourself. Know what you're good at and where you can stand to improve. Try to improve your ability to pay attention.
This is something I'm still working on. I'm an objectively fast person -- fast at walking, fast at eating, fast at talking. This also makes me very impatient, and also sometimes very unobservant -- stopping to smell the roses has never been my strong suit. But slowing down to appreciate life and all its little moments builds gratitude -- and that's a very healthy thing.
4. Find an exercise you actually enjoy
It's not exactly a secret how much I opposite-of-like running. I'll still do it, because of health, but there are certainly other ways I'd rather get my fitness in. And that's completely OK. Research has even shown that whether we think of fitness as "fun" or "exercise" affects how much we end up eating. For me, exercise is a pill best swallowed as volleyball. For you, it may be dancing, or swimming, or riding your bike. Don't think that just because you don't like "conventional" exercise -- running, going to the gym, etc. -- you're "bad at exercise." No such thing!
。作为一个健康的编辑器,我花了绝大多数我研读与健康相关的内容的一天。在赫芬顿邮报,我们幸运地在日常基础上谈论到专家如何我们最好的生活。如果我们只会做下面的事情,很明显,生活会更健康。当然,其中一些是说易行难。1.有固定的就寝时间。睡眠被认为是第三次的 pillar(支柱) 的健康,和很好的理由。研究只能让事情越来越清楚的是,没有得到足够的东西可以有严重的健康影响。同时,充足的睡眠是好一切从重量,到的心情,即使是免疫系统的。你可以保证你得到足够的睡眠,每晚做最简单的事情之一是设置固定的就寝时间。原谅自己,如果你不能满足它的每个夜晚,但一点,试着坚持下去。2.培养自己的情商有情绪智力就是"自信、 善于努力实现自己的目标和适应性。你从压力中快速恢复"心理学家 Daniel 戈尔曼先前告诉赫芬顿邮报。它由五个部分: 社会技能、 移情、 动机、 自我意识和自我调节。幸运的是,这些都是可以培养的所有特质。对超越自己的事情很好奇。知道你擅长什么和在哪里你可以站提高。试着提高你的能力,要注意。3。This is something I'm still working on. I'm an objectively fast person -- fast at walking, fast at eating, fast at talking. This also makes me very impatient, and also sometimes very unobservant -- stopping to smell the roses has never been my strong suit. But slowing down to appreciate life and all its little moments builds gratitude -- and that's a very healthy thing.4. Find an exercise you actually enjoyIt's not exactly a secret how much I opposite-of-like running. I'll still do it, because of health, but there are certainly other ways I'd rather get my fitness in. And that's completely OK. Research has even shown that whether we think of fitness as "fun" or "exercise" affects how much we end up eating. For me, exercise is a pill best swallowed as volleyball. For you, it may be dancing, or swimming, or riding your bike. Don't think that just because you don't like "conventional" exercise -- running, going to the gym, etc. -- you're "bad at exercise." No such thing!