3. ConclusionIn this work, ALD-processed ZnO thin films grown usingdifferent oxidants were developed. The electrical propertiesand growth characteristics were systematically investigated.H2O2-based ZnO thin films were deposited with a lower growthrate and impurity incorporation than H2O-based ZnO thinfilms due to the low vapor pressure of H2O2. H2O2-ZnO thinfilms demonstrated higher resistivity and lower carrier concentration than H2O-ZnO. This could be attributed to the fact thatH2O2 as an oxygen source can provide an oxygen-rich environment, which suppresses the generation of VO and decreases thecarrier concentration. Higher piezoelectric and impurity scattering generated in the (002) preferred orientation for H2O2-ZnO resulted in a decreased Hall mobility when compared toH2O-ZnO. Furthermore, ZnO TFT devices were fabricated,and their performance was evaluated. The TFT fabricated withH2O2-ZnO grown at 150 °C showed considerable performance,such as a high field-effect mobility of 10.7 cm2 V–1 s–1, a highIon/Ioff ratio of 2 × 107, a sharp SS of 0.25 V dec–1, and a lowNtrap of 2.77 × 1012 eV–1 cm–2. Due to the low concentration ofVO, after applying a bias stress of 10 V for 3600 s, the ∆Vth valuefor the H2O2-ZnO TFT is only 0.13 V, which makes it a promising candidate for high-performance electronics.