Changing the powder particle size altered the pore size distribution
within the powder bed, which, according to Hapgood et al. [35], influ-
ences the drop penetration behavior of the water-based binder. It took
a significantly longer time period for the binder droplet to completely
penetrate the powder bed that was heterogeneously distributed. Due
to the formation of fine powder agglomerates, a large number of
macro-voids were created within this powder bed. The presence of
macro-voids increased the drop penetration time. Liquid tends to flow
successively through micro-voids. An increase in pore radius causes a
decrease in the surface curvature of the flow front, which significantly
decelerates or even ceases the liquid advancing into that macro-void
[35]. In this case, liquid has to flow through micro-voids around the
macro-void, whicheventually results in a significantly longer drop penetration time(Fig.10).Conversely,theliquidhasmorepathstoadvance
into a more homogeneously distributed bed. During the 3DP process,
the deposition of binder droplets on one powder layer rapidly follows
the spread of an adjacent powder layer. In order to avoid interference