but foreign companies attach the most importance to positionpayment and external equity, while state-ownedenterprises put the most emphasis on internal equity andprivate enterprises see the highest degree of attention toperformance based on empirical analysis of differentownership enterprises’ pay system [12]. Wang Wen(2009) proved that state-owned enterprises’ return rate onemployees’ education and work experience is much lowerthan that in non-state-owned enterprises, resulting stateownedenterprises’ deteriorating technical talent throughempirical and commentary study from home and abroad[13].Accordingly, we propose Hypothesis 1: the perfectiondegree of total compensation significantly affects happinessof employees.3.2. Organizational CommitmentThe higher organizational commitment of employees canenhance employees’ organizational loyalty and dependence,increase their sense of ownership and thus increasethe employee’s subjective well-being [10]. Liu Xiaoping(2003) found through a comparative study that managersand general staff’s level of emotional commitment instate-owned enterprises and foreign invested enterprisesare on the contrary. Organizational culture under the foreignbackground sees heavily on economic exchange,which is closely associated with the continued commitment.Organizational culture under the state-owned enterprisessees heavily on social exchange, which isclosely associated with the emotional commitment [14].Xin Xun (2006) explored the interrelation between totalcompensation and organizational commitment targetedgroups of knowledge workers, which found that overallsatisfaction with the total compensation has a significantpositive correlation with organizational commitment,emotional commitment, continuous commitment andnormative commitment and the overall pay satisfactionaffects organizational citizenship behavior, performance,and turnover rates by influencing organizational commitment[15].Accordingly, we propose Hypothesis 2: the validitylevel of organizational commitment significantly affectsemployees’ happiness.3.3. Self-RealizationSelf-realization need is the highest requirement ofMaslow’s hierarchy of needs. Aristotle’s RealizationTheory considers the true meaning of happiness is notjoy and self-realization is the only source of happiness.Zhang Lu and Zuo Bin (2007) indicated through researchesthat self-realization is the theoretical basis ofpsychological well-being and philosophical roots andthey also affirmed the importance of self-realization for