“I could see that too,” Rhadamantys responded, “But if the truce is in effect, Lord Hades will lose more than half of his army. He will be left with nothing, will he not? He’ll be powerless.”Pope Sage sighed, “He is a God, Wyvern. He has his own power. He could still terminate you even with no army.”“So he could. Then maybe the three of us will die. No doubt about that.”His answer came with no pause, everyone froze and due to being shocked, this time Athena stepped in.“You,” the Goddess spoke slowly, “Are not afraid to die in your Lord Hades hands?”“No my Lady, we’re not.”“And why is that?” She pressed further, “Don’t you three like it being Judges?”“We do, but we’re not that foolish,” the Wyvern responded, seemingly uncaring somehow, “We are evil men my Lady, as you might call us, but the least we can do to this are being honest to ourselves. Surely we know well that death will be the main consequence of our act. If it’s time for us to go, then we’ll go, we don’t mind that. Aside from that, perhaps we too are exhausted. Let’s just say that after years of fighting, we wish to retire. Lord Hades could always look for others to replace us, easy for him to do such.”“I see.”She went quiet, fell into deep thinking, while at his side, Pope Sage stood unmoving, keeping his expression unreadable. He was a veteran saint after all, he had endured so many good and bad things in his long life, there were not plenty that could shock him, including this. Or perhaps he was simply being remarkable at hiding his own feeling.He white haired nodded, “Alright, I supposed that is very acceptable. But then, Wyvern, what if, by whatever condition, he still refuse to let you go and decide to keep you?”“Then we will still be working for him. But for the sake of Minos here, we would have to make an agreement with him to not giving us order to fight you and your people, at least until the next generation, or maybe more. Our enemy is not only you, as you know Lord Hades has a lot of enemies. He could still make use of us when he sees fit, but just not to deal with you.”“I understand.”Pope Sage looked at the Goddess on his side, whom at the moment seemed was still stunned, and they both conversed about some things which went unheard by the others. Few minutes went by, before his attention then was back to the Judges, but this time his eyes drawn to the Garuda, addressing him for the first time.“And you, Garuda Aiacos, do you agree with this plan?”Aiacos, with all of his boisterous nature, seemed was daydreaming throughout the conversation, or could be he was still fretting about the Gold saints, mainly Sisyphus for sure. He stiffened at hearing his name was being called all of a sudden, not at all prepared, and immediately gazed at the Pope with his brows up.“I’m urgh....” He swallowed, “I beg your pardon, Pope Sage?”The Pope sighed, understanding clearly that the man was only half listening to what he and Rhadamantys were discussing. “I was asking, Aiacos,” he repeated patiently, “Do you also agree to your fellow Judges plan of this? Of this truce and plan of retirement?”