For the purpose of this study, the researchers developed the Scale of Service Quality in Recreational Sport (SSQRS). The development of the SSQRS followed the standard psychometric procedures as suggested by Dawis (1987) and Nunnally (1978). The first step in the scale development process was the generation of a list of items for each component of the service quality framework. Multiple measures for each of the subdimensions of service quality were developed and modified from the items of existing scales (e.g.,Brady & Cronin. 2001; Chang,1998; Crompton et al.,1991;Howat et al., 1996; Kim & Kim, 1995; Parasuraman et al., 1988). On the basis of the review and synthesis of relevant literature of service quality identified in several areas, researchers generated an initial pool of 77 items that explained the 11 subdimensions of service quality. The format for the instrument was a seven point Likert scale format ranging from (1) "Strongly Disagree" to (7) "Strongly Agree.