Experimental Details
2.1. Composite Fabrication
Short glass fibres (elastic modulus of 72.5 GPa and possess a density of 2.59 gm/cc) (Twaron, Teijin) of 6 mm length are used to prepare the composites. The Unsaturated isophthalic polyester resin (Elastic modulus 3.25 GPa, density 1.35 gm/cc) is manufactured by Ciba Geigy and locally supplied by Northern Polymers Ltd. New Delhi, India. The composites are made by conventional hand lay-up technique. Two percent cobalt nephthalate (as accelerator) is mixed thoroughly in isophthalic polyester resin and then 2% methyl-ethyl-ketone-peroxide (MEKP) as hardener is mixed in the resin prior to reinforcement. Composites of five different fibers loading 10 wt.-% to 50 wt.-% are made. The castings are put under load for about 24 h for proper curing at room temperature. Specimens of suitable dimension are cut using a diamond cutter for physical, mechanical characterization and erosion testing