was measured by five statements using two different 7-point Likert scales to suit the phrasing of statements. The firstthree items followed the statement: “Please indicate the extent towhich you find it easy or difficult to: Determine the quality of dairyproducts using your senses (PBC_1); Determine the safety of dairyproducts using your senses (PBC_2); Use my senses to tell if a dairyproduct is edible (PBC_3)”. Here the scale was extremely easy [1] toextremely difficult [7]. The last two items followed the statement:“Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with thefollowing statements: I am confident in my ability to determine if adairy product is edible using only my senses (PBC_4); It is up to meto decide whether or not a dairy product is edible (PBC_5)”. Herethe scale was strongly disagree [1] to strongly agree [7].