In the current study, each construction worker was tasked withverbally identifying hazards present in two randomly selected caseimages from the initial set of 16. Therefore, if a crew consisted of fiveworkers, then the workers in the crew were assigned a total of 10 case images for the hazard recognition activity (i.e., two case images foreach worker).The hazard recognition performance (i.e., percentage of hazardsrecognized) of each worker for each case image was calculated usingEq. (3). As can be seen, HRtotal was defined to include all unique hazardsthat were pre-identified by the expert panel and the ones the workersidentified in the current study. This provision was made to capture thetheoretical possibility of the workers identifying any additional hazardsthat were not already pre-identified by the expert panel. However, theworkers in the current study did not identify any additional uniquehazards that were not already pre-identified by the expert panel. Inother words, the HRtotal was equivalent to the number of safety hazardsthat were already pre-identified by the expert panel in the previousstudy.