What is the name
of your website?
We will use this name to generate your unique Associates ID.
What is the URL of the website(s) you will use to send traffic to Amazon?
(Add additional URLs*)
Your website, your blog, your Twitter feed, etc.
If you have more than one website, please include your top 5 by traffic volume.
What is your website(s) about?
What can users do on your website, who is it for, and what kind of products do you intend to promote?
Which of the following topics best describes the topic of your main Web site?
(Add additional topics*)
What type of Amazon items do you intend to list on your website(s)?
Movies, Music & Games
Computers & Office
Home & Garden
Grocery, Health & Baby
Toys, Kids & Baby
Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry
Sports & Outdoors
DIY, Tools & Car
What type of site is your website(s)?
Website Traffic & Monetization
How do you drive traffic to your website(s)?
Paid Search
Display Advertising
Social Networks
Shopping Portal
Lead Generation
How else do you monetize your web site(s)?
(Add additional monetization methods*)
How do you usually build links?
How many unique visitors does your website(s) get per month?
What is your primary reason for joining the Amazon Associates Program?
How did you hear about us?
Contract Terms
You agree to the terms and conditions of the Associates Operating Agreement
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