Broccoli has a short postharvest shelf life since it is harvestedwhile its inflorescences are still immature, prior to sepal opening.Harvesting and handling cause severe stress conditions thatresult in water loss and variations in nutrient and hormonecontent, inducing early onset of senescence and accelerating thisprocess significantly. As a consequence, a loss of the superficialgreen colour of the product is observed, which decreases thecommercial approval of broccoli florets. Moreover, senescenceaccelerates loss of sugars and proteins and lipid peroxidation,leading to a loss of nutritional quality.1,2 Senescence implies aprogrammeddegradation of macromolecules that allows theplantto remobilise nutrients from dying to developing tissues.
Broccoli has a short postharvest shelf life since it is harvested<br>while its inflorescences are still immature, prior to sepal opening.<br>Harvesting and handling cause severe stress conditions that<br>result in water loss and variations in nutrient and hormone<br>content, inducing early onset of senescence and accelerating this<br>process significantly. As a consequence, a loss of the superficial<br>green colour of the product is observed, which decreases the<br>commercial approval of broccoli florets. Moreover, senescence<br>accelerates loss of sugars and proteins and lipid peroxidation,<br>leading to a loss of nutritional quality.1,2 Senescence implies a<br>programmeddegradation of macromolecules that allows theplant<br>從渴望發展組織再活化養分。