(2) the internal audit system of corporate governance is the importantInternal audit contributed to established good of control environment, through on internal control system of review, provides corrected wrong disadvantages, and perfect internal control of recommends, to contributed to good control environment of established, then effective of promote organization of control target of achieved internal control of sound, and effective is a dynamic of process, because organization of business environment in changes, itself in constantly of development, internal control system should adapted this changes and corresponding for adjustment. In such a constant adjustment process, management of internal audit's role is to find the existence of abuses, which focuses on the internal control system of the audit of the defect, it's easier to find its deficiencies, and make recommendations for improvement. The Organization's internal audit is an integral part of the internal control system, such as the review of internal audit engagement contract, project budget and audit, expenses claims before the signing, was the case. Once a company becomes an integral part of the internal control system of the internal audit, the extent of the internal audit function, internal audits in the internal control system runs the, degree of participation of each link, or at least affect the improvement and effectiveness of the internal control system.