* syntaxhighlight plugin for CKEditor 3.x (Support: Lajox ; Email: lajox@19www.com)
* Released: On 2009-12-11
* Download: http://code.google.com/p/lajox
syntaxhighlight plugin for CKEditor 3.x
--Code Syntax Highlight Plugin
Plugin Description: CKEditor 3.0 SyntaxHighlight Plugin 1.0
Related :
SyntaxHighlighter 2.x from http://alexgorbatchev.com/wiki/SyntaxHighlighter
/**************Help Begin***************/
1. Upload syntaxhighlight folder to ckeditor/plugins/
2. Configured in the ckeditor/config.js :
Add to config.toolbar a value 'syntaxhighlight'
config.toolbar =
[ 'Source', '-', 'Bold', 'Italic', 'syntaxhighlight' ]
3. Again Configured in the ckeditor/config.js ,
Expand the extra plugin 'syntaxhighlight' such as:
4. Modify the default language in syntaxhighlight/plugin.js
Just the line:
lang : ['en'],
5. In your page files between and ,add these content like these: