430. Schweiz Med Wochenschr. 1985 Jan 5;115(1):18-24.
[Current aspects in the evaluation of radiation risk: from the risk to organs to
total injury risk (effective equivalent doses)].
[Article in German]
Fritz-Niggli H.
For the estimation of the health risks of radiation in man by low radiation doses
as well as to compare the man-made radiation exposure with the natural one, it is
proved useful and necessary to estimate the effective dose-equivalent. It is not
sufficient to take only into consideration the radiation exposure of bone marrow
and gonads. Due to an external irradiation source as well as by incorporation of
radioactive materials, various tissues and organs in the human body will
simultaneously be exposed. This is best illustrated by the component of the
"natural" radiation exposure with radon, attributable more or less to our living
conditions. The incorporation of radon and its daughters in the lung with its
cancer causing risk is not evaluated in the determination of the gonads and bone
marrow dose. The effective dose-equivalent is being estimated for the evaluation
of possible radiation risk by the carcinogenic and mutagenic effectiveness of
radiation (stochastic radiation risk) with weighting factors. For the genetic
risk solely 25% and for the somatic risk 75% are granted, whereas the risk factor
"breast tissue" dominates.
PMID: 3969538 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]