00:33:16,550 --> 00:33:19,960
00:33:19,960 --> 00:33:26,210
backward slash this PCR mask and that
someone crude mask but i wanna make sure
00:33:26,210 --> 00:33:30,980
that we take away all this stuff so
there's no residue floating around and
00:33:30,980 --> 00:33:39,580
then make sure to that managed to select
and don't have areas where be masked
00:33:39,580 --> 00:33:48,710
through stuff we want to see so let's
start there lies nicely done obviously
00:33:48,710 --> 00:33:52,300
there's discrepancies here I between
where the trees are in very goes nuts
00:33:52,300 --> 00:33:56,240
it's no less stuff but for now I
remember you don't have a car here so
00:33:56,240 --> 00:34:01,950
keep it like this for now this area
should also be a little darker you see
00:34:01,950 --> 00:34:05,780
that this is brighter here than in these
shadows and also there's water so
00:34:05,780 --> 00:34:14,350
contrast product on a bit like this it
more into the background and know this
00:34:14,350 --> 00:34:18,780
can create deception adept by dodging
and burning if you want to bring
00:34:18,780 --> 00:34:23,550
something for us to bring attention to
it that you I just brighten it up you
00:34:23,550 --> 00:34:28,540
wanna push it back to star in this case
we do is push this back and get back
00:34:28,540 --> 00:34:34,260
into the background a little bit more so
that's one step in this here feels the
00:34:34,260 --> 00:34:37,200
bright so let's see
00:34:37,200 --> 00:34:41,950
months or just take that away to come
into this masquerade content later in
00:34:41,950 --> 00:34:48,349
the car brush smaller just flushed out
of it
00:34:48,349 --> 00:34:55,190
alright starting to feel pretty good
about this i really do I mentioned this
00:34:55,190 --> 00:34:58,720
was taking a lot of attention and I
think we're going to work on this
00:34:58,720 --> 00:35:02,440
to take some of that away it's
definitely a lot of stuff going on here
00:35:02,440 --> 00:35:08,289
so I think we're going to take a quick
little break I think this is a decent
00:35:08,289 --> 00:35:12,970
start obviously there's issues here but
the car's gonna come in
00:35:12,970 --> 00:35:18,319
oh one more thing let's ruffin offense
mention the fence and undo that one
00:35:18,319 --> 00:35:26,259
offense in here let's start there and
then I'll take a break so now the
00:35:26,259 --> 00:35:33,410
defense into this area since similar in
color so now we know that put it on top
00:35:33,410 --> 00:35:42,249
in I'm gonna turn it around so to get to
this here we come come up to edit and
00:35:42,249 --> 00:35:49,859
transform and it'll get the square or BC
you just take command T and they chose
00:35:49,859 --> 00:35:53,249
up and then again I get my control
button to make it a drop down menu and
00:35:53,249 --> 00:35:57,160
here's all the changes that we could do
you just flipped horizontally for now
00:35:57,160 --> 00:36:02,170
they want defense to come from this
corner and lead the eye end and then
00:36:02,170 --> 00:36:07,280
those smaller
00:36:07,280 --> 00:36:12,500
making it smaller makes its it further
away further into the photograph and as
00:36:12,500 --> 00:36:16,710
I was on the riverbank this was closer
to me to push it back as long as it
00:36:16,710 --> 00:36:20,920
keeps the perspective of sittin higher
on the ledge as looking up you could
00:36:20,920 --> 00:36:29,310
tweak this a bit push this down here
00:36:29,310 --> 00:36:33,260
again obviously too bright so maybe
we'll just start with taking these
00:36:33,260 --> 00:36:41,200
layers the coffee then pull them up here
we just thank these to the lake effect
00:36:41,200 --> 00:37:00,349
can add a layer mask to brush away this
to start
00:37:00,349 --> 00:37:01,590
00:37:01,590 --> 00:37:06,730
we're starting to get to a better place
for all this stuff to leave this now
00:37:06,730 --> 00:37:10,900
doesn't do its purposes Falcons opened
up this way right here so let's see if
00:37:10,900 --> 00:37:22,230
we take these layers and just push the
silver lining up better now we don't
00:37:22,230 --> 00:37:26,340
want to come into this program plans we
have those so she's push this back in
00:37:26,340 --> 00:37:36,380
maybe this is hidden a bit in here as
00:37:36,380 --> 00:37:47,630
time to feel pretty good this is just
ending out too much now
00:37:47,630 --> 00:37:56,330
this now is too low this fence so I come
in here and released defense up there
00:37:56,330 --> 00:38:03,250
and now I feel like we're getting closer
as in you could be right up here the car
00:38:03,250 --> 00:38:07,930
going to come down through here and
crashed into the water so feel like I'm
00:38:07,930 --> 00:38:13,120
massaging this background so we get into
place it's pretty decent cool now the
00:38:13,120 --> 00:38:19,380
senate piece here is a little dark so
this is our darkening there yes he
00:38:19,380 --> 00:38:22,780
wanted to push it back to be done that
too much now to match the other pieces
00:38:22,780 --> 00:38:29,040
pull it back up tiny bit right in there
00:38:29,040 --> 00:38:33,390
disappear as little too much of a
highlight distracting you come in here
00:38:33,390 --> 00:38:38,780
and again this would be just a simple
burn selecting the area that we want to
00:38:38,780 --> 00:38:44,790
make darker exiting our masks the
command shift in read it so they can
00:38:44,790 --> 00:38:50,380
change selections by inviting them up
here and here you have a shortcut
00:38:50,380 --> 00:38:53,200
commands have died in that's what I'm
doing so
00:38:53,200 --> 00:39:00,060
coming in again to curve and just
pushing this down on the wrong they are
00:39:00,060 --> 00:39:06,710
now I'm on the lady that sits behind so
make sure to pull this in here and now
00:39:06,710 --> 00:39:12,230
they have darkened down the top corner
00:39:12,230 --> 00:39:15,600
think we're getting pretty close I
mentioned that these rocks he was maybe
00:39:15,600 --> 00:39:19,770
taken too much attention and if it's
about making then maybe smaller again
00:39:19,770 --> 00:39:24,810
like I did continue that path may be
something else on top maybe just
00:39:24,810 --> 00:39:29,900
dropping in a little bit so you can
explore that may be a little bit into it
00:39:29,900 --> 00:39:35,690
now and then you gonna take a little
break just like that balances out a
00:39:35,690 --> 00:40:00,170
little bit
00:40:00,170 --> 00:40:16,049
files and save this so really crude
background that's done again I ask you
00:40:16,049 --> 00:40:20,290
sort of move forward in the final bill
massage this but since you don't have
00:40:20,290 --> 00:40:21,630
all the pieces
00:40:21,630 --> 00:40:25,160
there's no reason to build a perfect
background file when the car is gonna
00:40:25,160 --> 00:40:27,329
come on top in this area
00:40:27,329 --> 00:40:31,790
gonna add smoke in this area you know
there's issues here there's no reason to
00:40:31,790 --> 00:40:36,359
spend time blending this more perfect
than it is right here you have a sense
00:40:36,359 --> 00:40:43,240
of other pieces are being created things
that we wanted really under the sand bar
00:40:43,240 --> 00:40:48,030
here and putting some more interesting
or accent and expanding really the river
00:40:48,030 --> 00:40:53,130
but is cool in this is that this carries
from this corner leads to i'd into the
00:40:53,130 --> 00:40:57,119
car's gonna be in the same do this we
almost have like a triangular shape here
00:40:57,119 --> 00:41:02,790
already and then we have this branch it
also leads to I N and these leading the
00:41:02,790 --> 00:41:08,079
line from this way this almost nine
years a lot of lines now coming into the
00:41:08,079 --> 00:41:13,920
center of the frame the car so I think
mission accomplished for this first
00:41:13,920 --> 00:41:19,450
stage getting into a good place for
their background and it's ready in some
00:41:19,450 --> 00:41:25,670
ways to have the carpet in now obvious
mistakes is by no means finished it will
00:41:25,670 --> 00:41:31,140
just be placeholders so to speak for the
next step in this retouch so come back
00:41:31,140 --> 00:41:36,960
next step will be to get a girl in there
two different parts to the girl elect
00:41:36,960 --> 00:41:43,640
one car actually there's more than four
pieces if we include pieces the car is
00:41:43,640 --> 00:41:49,640
going to be the main car you gonna be
placed a girl as in the car and other
00:41:49,640 --> 00:41:54,880
pieces to the car that had better smoke
to it I felt more atmosphere becomes
00:41:54,880 --> 00:41:59,329
clear that in 10 min gonna really start
massaging the picture and getting it to
00:41:59,329 --> 00:42:04,270
a good place with all the pieces in
place last step fine-tune adding some
00:42:04,270 --> 00:42:08,539
reflections to the water and more smoke
to the cheese
00:42:08,539 --> 00:42:13,239
to create the finished atmosphere so
we're gonna take a little break this is
00:42:13,239 --> 00:42:16,939
the background build roughly gonna get
on to the next step
33500:33:16,550--> 00:33:19,960谁33600:33:19,960--> 00:33:26,210反斜杠此 PCR 面具,有人粗的面具,但想要确保33700:33:26,210--> 00:33:30,980我们带走了这所有的东西都这样那里是漂浮在无残留和33800:33:30,980--> 00:33:39,580然后对那设法选择确保不有的地方被掩盖33900:33:39,580--> 00:33:48,710通过的东西,我们想要让我们看看那里的开始明显在于很好完成34000:33:48,710--> 00:33:52,300还有这里的差异我之间树在哪里在很抓狂34100:33:52,300--> 00:33:56,240它不是越少,但现在我记住你所以不在这里有一辆车34200:33:56,240--> 00:34:01,950让它保持这样现在这一领域也应该稍微深一点你看到34300:34:01,950--> 00:34:05,780这是光明在这里比在这些阴影也是水因此34400:34:05,780--> 00:34:14,350对比产品有点像这更多的背景,知道这34500:34:14,350--> 00:34:18,780可以创建欺骗善于以避开如果你想要带,燃烧34600:34:18,780--> 00:34:23,550有些事情需要我们提请注意它,我只是照亮它了你34700:34:23,550--> 00:34:28,540想要把它推回到明星在这种情况下我们做是推,这回去,然后再回来34800:34:28,540--> 00:34:34,260到背景有点更是如此that's one step in this here feels the34900:34:34,260 --> 00:34:37,200bright so let's see35000:34:37,200 --> 00:34:41,950months or just take that away to comeinto this masquerade content later in35100:34:41,950 --> 00:34:48,349the car brush smaller just flushed outof it35200:34:48,349 --> 00:34:55,190alright starting to feel pretty goodabout this i really do I mentioned this35300:34:55,190 --> 00:34:58,720was taking a lot of attention and Ithink we're going to work on this35400:34:58,720 --> 00:35:02,440to take some of that away it'sdefinitely a lot of stuff going on here35500:35:02,440 --> 00:35:08,289so I think we're going to take a quicklittle break I think this is a decent35600:35:08,289 --> 00:35:12,970start obviously there's issues here butthe car's gonna come in35700:35:12,970 --> 00:35:18,319oh one more thing let's ruffin offensemention the fence and undo that one35800:35:18,319 --> 00:35:26,259offense in here let's start there andthen I'll take a break so now the35900:35:26,259 --> 00:35:33,410defense into this area since similar incolor so now we know that put it on top36000:35:33,410 --> 00:35:42,249in I'm gonna turn it around so to get tothis here we come come up to edit and36100:35:42,249 --> 00:35:49,859transform and it'll get the square or BCyou just take command T and they chose36200:35:49,859 --> 00:35:53,249up and then again I get my controlbutton to make it a drop down menu and36300:35:53,249 --> 00:35:57,160here's all the changes that we could doyou just flipped horizontally for now36400:35:57,160 --> 00:36:02,170they want defense to come from thiscorner and lead the eye end and then36500:36:02,170 --> 00:36:07,280those smaller36600:36:07,280 --> 00:36:12,500making it smaller makes its it furtheraway further into the photograph and as36700:36:12,500 --> 00:36:16,710I was on the riverbank this was closerto me to push it back as long as it36800:36:16,710 --> 00:36:20,920keeps the perspective of sittin higheron the ledge as looking up you could36900:36:20,920 --> 00:36:29,310tweak this a bit push this down here37000:36:29,310 --> 00:36:33,260again obviously too bright so maybewe'll just start with taking these37100:36:33,260 --> 00:36:41,200layers the coffee then pull them up herewe just thank these to the lake effect37200:36:41,200 --> 00:37:00,349can add a layer mask to brush away thisto start37300:37:00,349 --> 00:37:01,590alright37400:37:01,590 --> 00:37:06,730we're starting to get to a better placefor all this stuff to leave this now37500:37:06,730 --> 00:37:10,900doesn't do its purposes Falcons openedup this way right here so let's see if37600:37:10,900 --> 00:37:22,230we take these layers and just push thesilver lining up better now we don't37700:37:22,230 --> 00:37:26,340want to come into this program plans wehave those so she's push this back in37800:37:26,340 --> 00:37:36,380maybe this is hidden a bit in here aswell37900:37:36,380 --> 00:37:47,630time to feel pretty good this is justending out too much now38000:37:47,630 --> 00:37:56,330this now is too low this fence so I comein here and released defense up there38100:37:56,330 --> 00:38:03,250and now I feel like we're getting closeras in you could be right up here the car38200:38:03,250 --> 00:38:07,930going to come down through here andcrashed into the water so feel like I'm38300:38:07,930 --> 00:38:13,120massaging this background so we get intoplace it's pretty decent cool now the38400:38:13,120 --> 00:38:19,380senate piece here is a little dark sothis is our darkening there yes he38500:38:19,380 --> 00:38:22,780wanted to push it back to be done thattoo much now to match the other pieces38600:38:22,780 --> 00:38:29,040pull it back up tiny bit right in there38700:38:29,040 --> 00:38:33,390disappear as little too much of ahighlight distracting you come in here38800:38:33,390 --> 00:38:38,780and again this would be just a simpleburn selecting the area that we want to38900:38:38,780 --> 00:38:44,790make darker exiting our masks thecommand shift in read it so they can39000:38:44,790 --> 00:38:50,380change selections by inviting them uphere and here you have a shortcut39100:38:50,380--> 00:38:53,200命令已死在那是什么这样做39200:38:53,200--> 00:39:00,060再来,曲线和只是这压低他们都错了39300:39:00 060--> 00:39:06,710现在我对这位坐在后面,所以你一定要在这里和现在拉这39400:39:06,710--> 00:39:12,230他们较暗下来右上角39500:39:12,230--> 00:39:15,600认为我们已非常接近我提到他,也许是这些岩石39600:39:15,600--> 00:39:19,770采取太多的关注,如果有关于缩小然后也许再39700:39:19,770--> 00:39:24,810像我做继续该路径可能是在上面也许只是别的东西39800:39:24,810--> 00:39:29,900所以你可以滴一点咬探索,可能有点咬到它39900:39:29,900--> 00:39:35,690现在,然后你要吃一点休息就像那平衡40000:39:35,690--> 00:40:00,170一点点40100:40:00,170--> 00:40:16,049文件,并保存此所以很粗糙背景做了再一次我问你40200:40:16,049--> 00:40:20,290在最后的账单有点向前按摩这但是因为你没有40300:40:20,290--> 00:40:21,630所有的碎片40400:40:21,630--> 00:40:25,160没有理由打造一个完美的当这辆车去的背景文件40500:40:25,160--> 00:40:27,329在这一领域独占鳌头40600:40:27,329--> 00:40:31,790要在此区域添加烟你知道还有问题在这里那里是没有理由40700:40:31,790--> 00:40:36,359花时间混合这更完美比它是权利在这里你有感觉40800:40:36,359--> 00:40:43,240其他一些正在创造的东西我们真的想下拦门沙40900:40:43,240--> 00:40:48,030在这里,把一些更有趣或口音和真正扩大河41000:40:48,030--> 00:40:53,130但在这是凉快的是这运载从这个角落导致我会成41100:40:53,130--> 00:40:57,119汽车会在相同的做这个我们几乎有喜欢一个三角形的形状41200:40:57,119--> 00:41:02,790已经然后我们有这分支此外导致我 N 和这些领导41300:41:02,790--> 00:41:08,079从这种方式几乎九线年线现在进入很多41400:41:08,079--> 00:41:13,920因此,我认为这辆车框的中心这第一次完成的使命41500:41:13,920--> 00:41:19,450阶段进入好的地方他们的背景和它的一些准备好41600:41:19,450--> 00:41:25,670如何在地毯上现在明显错误是没有办法完成,它将由41700:41:25,670--> 00:41:31,140只是占位符这么说的下一步在这润饰所以回来41800:41:31,140--> 00:41:36,960下一步将在那里得到一个女孩这个女孩两个不同部分选举41900:41:36,960 --> 00:41:43,640one car actually there's more than fourpieces if we include pieces the car is42000:41:43,640 --> 00:41:49,640going to be the main car you gonna beplaced a girl as in the car and other42100:41:49,640 --> 00:41:54,880pieces to the car that had better smoketo it I felt more atmosphere becomes42200:41:54,880 --> 00:41:59,329clear that in 10 min gonna really startmassaging the picture and getting it to42300:41:59,329 --> 00:42:04,270a good place with all the pieces inplace last step fine-tune adding some42400:42:04,270 --> 00:42:08,539reflections to the water and more smoketo the cheese42500:42:08,539 --> 00:42:13,239to create the finished atmosphere sowe're gonna take a little break this is42600:42:13,239 --> 00:42:16,939the background build roughly gonna geton to the next step