00:00:04,220 --> 00:00:05,140
so let's jump in
00:00:05,140 --> 00:00:07,670
do it how we're going to take a look at
all the different types like you're the
00:00:07,670 --> 00:00:13,469
first one side Lee alright so sidelight
and you'll see you know right below and
00:00:13,469 --> 00:00:20,000
I kinda give you know what what works
for it so I think of contouring I think
00:00:20,000 --> 00:00:25,160
of of shaping so the lights coming in
from the side when it comes in from the
00:00:25,160 --> 00:00:31,359
side it tends to accentuate contour that
tends to accentuate shapes so what works
00:00:31,359 --> 00:00:35,840
for this type of late what what types of
scenarios do we look for I think we look
00:00:35,840 --> 00:00:41,770
for anything with shapes rolling hills
anything with texture on it you know
00:00:41,770 --> 00:00:46,890
rocks and things like that and then
contour anything that has that that
00:00:46,890 --> 00:00:52,090
contour shaping where a late can hit one
side of it and then shadow can be the
00:00:52,090 --> 00:00:58,920
other side of it so here's an example ok
this is this is a photo taken in your
00:00:58,920 --> 00:01:06,640
simony and you're a man you sent me I L
cabin on these big great places and I
00:01:06,640 --> 00:01:10,710
take this photo because I'm standing at
this waterfall year it's what it's a
00:01:10,710 --> 00:01:13,549
waterfall it's like they're supposed to
be a rainbow there at certain times a
00:01:13,549 --> 00:01:16,860
day with the light coming through and
never really happened it kind of fizzle
00:01:16,860 --> 00:01:21,799
some standing there and i'm looking
around and I'm like I said that never
00:01:21,799 --> 00:01:27,590
happened what what what is cool about
this scene and just looking and looking
00:01:27,590 --> 00:01:31,259
at the waterfall hi see the street and
it's got the light coming in from the
00:01:31,259 --> 00:01:37,420
side of it and my heart that's pretty
cool then I take a big wide shot doesn't
00:01:37,420 --> 00:01:41,700
do anything for so as you man I grab
that shot I post all these photos from
00:01:41,700 --> 00:01:46,390
you send me what you believe this photo
is the one that liked it by far
00:01:46,390 --> 00:01:49,799
gets the most people to get the most
likes on Facebook and whether or not
00:01:49,799 --> 00:01:53,520
that we can gauge everything by that but
it kind of gives you a sense of what
00:01:53,520 --> 00:01:58,649
it's for people so sadly there's another
one so this is the Palouse region and
00:01:58,649 --> 00:02:03,619
Washington young ball is rolling hills
the Sun is rising off to one side and I
00:02:03,619 --> 00:02:06,500
want to mention something approaching
mention a couple times throughout the
00:02:06,500 --> 00:02:11,110
class here is that unlike thinking as I
go through all these types of light that
00:02:11,110 --> 00:02:15,269
you're gonna go out there and you're
gonna start looking for every single one
00:02:15,269 --> 00:02:17,670
of these days the way that I think this
class blows
00:02:17,670 --> 00:02:22,300
and in I think it's something you
rewatch one time one thing gets to you
00:02:22,300 --> 00:02:24,980
get out there you look at something
sometimes you're going to get out there
00:02:24,980 --> 00:02:28,420
there's going to be no side like what do
you do you know there's gonna be there
00:02:28,420 --> 00:02:32,590
is no light at all what he do so as you
go through this I guess kind of keep
00:02:32,590 --> 00:02:36,610
that keep that mindset that that's what
to look for things and we should be
00:02:36,610 --> 00:02:40,370
aware like what direction can I shoot in
what's happening and what things are
00:02:40,370 --> 00:02:45,550
happening along all the different ways
that we can make a different photo to
00:02:45,550 --> 00:02:49,870
use another one so just in in Colorado
again the sun's rising over to the left
00:02:49,870 --> 00:02:54,120
side you can see all the texture can see
all the dimension that we get the Sun
00:02:54,120 --> 00:02:58,280
was rising behind me I wouldn't see that
it would be flat the Sun was rising
00:02:58,280 --> 00:03:02,150
behind the mountain we will see that
would be dark so we get all those
00:03:02,150 --> 00:03:08,049
texture here's an interesting example so
put this one first this is this is a
00:03:08,049 --> 00:03:13,239
place in Moab and it's called it's it's
in the Windows areas clinical turret
00:03:13,239 --> 00:03:20,440
arch and everybody shoots this at
sunrise and so I got their hands path I
00:03:20,440 --> 00:03:24,910
mean it literally 25 30 people there and
it's it's hard to even get a spot to
00:03:24,910 --> 00:03:27,480
shoot you gotta move around rocks
everything everybody should sit at
00:03:27,480 --> 00:03:32,900
sunrise so I shot at sunrise and I never
really liked the photo cause to me it
00:03:32,900 --> 00:03:38,600
was just kind of flat and I went back so
I'm thinking about case of the sun's
00:03:38,600 --> 00:03:43,019
coming up over here then is gonna go
here's the arts and the Sun comes up
00:03:43,019 --> 00:03:47,670
over there and it's going to go around
at sunset i'm gonna get a light just
00:03:47,670 --> 00:03:49,310
kinda coming through it
00:03:49,310 --> 00:03:54,660
decidedly through it so I'm back at
sunset that photo
00:03:54,660 --> 00:03:58,709
to me that's a nicer photo your tastes
may be different every but it's it's not
00:03:58,709 --> 00:04:02,190
about what's better worse or anything
like that it just to me this is a nicer
00:04:02,190 --> 00:04:06,510
photo I like I like the room like I like
the contrast between the rock this
00:04:06,510 --> 00:04:09,760
little rock that's not what so these are
things that you can think about when
00:04:09,760 --> 00:04:14,269
you're out there you know you make it to
a place you go here everybody go to Mesa
00:04:14,269 --> 00:04:17,760
arch everybody's gonna tell you to
sunrise spot right but there's gonna be
00:04:17,760 --> 00:04:20,880
times where you get somewhere and you
don't know who may be traveling
00:04:20,880 --> 00:04:24,370
somewhere you may see you spot me say I
want to come back and shoot this when
00:04:24,370 --> 00:04:27,210
you shoot at sunrise or sunset so
hopefully you can kind of keep these
00:04:27,210 --> 00:04:27,540
00:04:27,540 --> 00:04:34,780
in mind here so this is this is before
sunrise alright so this is notice all
00:04:34,780 --> 00:04:38,550
the patterns in the texture it's there
but it's not really it's not really
00:04:38,550 --> 00:04:42,140
coming out and I talked about texture
being one of those things decidedly so
00:04:42,140 --> 00:04:46,390
we take a look at this photo see how we
now we get all those contours and all
00:04:46,390 --> 00:04:51,390
those textures and that's just the first
like coming up now we wait a little bit
00:04:51,390 --> 00:04:58,450
while like it's higher now I didn't get
to deeper gets deeper in contrast here
00:04:58,450 --> 00:05:02,390
so it's still coming in from the side
but you can see what's happening here so
00:05:02,390 --> 00:05:05,210
I guess a lot of it depends on what
you're looking for
00:05:05,210 --> 00:05:08,700
there you know think about what happens
think about what you're shooting do you
00:05:08,700 --> 00:05:13,800
want to load the late higher things like
that and you can get different photos
00:05:13,800 --> 00:05:17,150
here's another one just you know the
lights coming in from the side I'm
00:05:17,150 --> 00:05:21,370
looking at it and and you know again I'm
not the light guy like I don't see late
00:05:21,370 --> 00:05:25,610
but what I am looking at my car so I see
these trees I see this light coming in
00:05:25,610 --> 00:05:33,190
and what school is it's half so to me
that it's not all about the latest to me
00:05:33,190 --> 00:05:38,650
there's something that's half way that's
kind of cool one last example in here
00:05:38,650 --> 00:05:42,580
just 22 kind of transfer this to just
shooting around to not only shooting
00:05:42,580 --> 00:05:46,360
landscapes so here's this display swear
that you know you can kind of see where
00:05:46,360 --> 00:05:51,550
the Sun is over on the left there you
know it's it's insane I forget the name
00:05:51,550 --> 00:05:56,530
of it in San Diego wasn't a whole lot
going on I'm there in in not greatly
00:05:56,530 --> 00:06:00,300
lessened over there it's it's probably
nine or ten o'clock in the morning but
00:06:00,300 --> 00:06:04,820
as I walk around I think about this so
I'm thinking okay what what looks good
00:06:04,820 --> 00:06:08,850
side but looks good so I find someplace
if you look off in the distance in the
00:06:08,850 --> 00:06:14,520
middle you see the larges so I get an
error and now I have signed by coming in
00:06:14,520 --> 00:06:18,760
and it gives you give you those little
00:06:18,760 --> 00:06:23,310
almost you it's almost an upside-down
you shape of like going in there and
00:06:23,310 --> 00:06:27,650
that's that's the kind of things that I
started to look for so how to capture it
00:06:27,650 --> 00:06:32,590
think about where the light is the
lights on your side this is sadly
100:00:04,220 --> 00:00:05,140so let's jump in200:00:05,140 --> 00:00:07,670do it how we're going to take a look atall the different types like you're the300:00:07,670 --> 00:00:13,469first one side Lee alright so sidelightand you'll see you know right below and400:00:13,469 --> 00:00:20,000I kinda give you know what what worksfor it so I think of contouring I think500:00:20,000 --> 00:00:25,160of of shaping so the lights coming infrom the side when it comes in from the600:00:25,160 --> 00:00:31,359side it tends to accentuate contour thattends to accentuate shapes so what works700:00:31,359 --> 00:00:35,840for this type of late what what types ofscenarios do we look for I think we look800:00:35,840 --> 00:00:41,770for anything with shapes rolling hillsanything with texture on it you know900:00:41,770 --> 00:00:46,890rocks and things like that and thencontour anything that has that that1000:00:46,890 --> 00:00:52,090contour shaping where a late can hit oneside of it and then shadow can be the1100:00:52,090 --> 00:00:58,920other side of it so here's an example okthis is this is a photo taken in your1200:00:58,920 --> 00:01:06,640simony and you're a man you sent me I Lcabin on these big great places and I1300:01:06,640 --> 00:01:10,710take this photo because I'm standing atthis waterfall year it's what it's a1400:01:10,710 --> 00:01:13,549waterfall it's like they're supposed tobe a rainbow there at certain times a1500:01:13,549 --> 00:01:16,860day with the light coming through andnever really happened it kind of fizzle1600:01:16,860 --> 00:01:21,799some standing there and i'm lookingaround and I'm like I said that never1700:01:21,799 --> 00:01:27,590happened what what what is cool aboutthis scene and just looking and looking1800:01:27,590 --> 00:01:31,259at the waterfall hi see the street andit's got the light coming in from the1900:01:31,259 --> 00:01:37,420side of it and my heart that's prettycool then I take a big wide shot doesn't2000:01:37,420 --> 00:01:41,700do anything for so as you man I grabthat shot I post all these photos from2100:01:41,700 --> 00:01:46,390you send me what you believe this photois the one that liked it by far2200:01:46,390 --> 00:01:49,799gets the most people to get the mostlikes on Facebook and whether or not2300:01:49,799 --> 00:01:53,520that we can gauge everything by that butit kind of gives you a sense of what2400:01:53,520 --> 00:01:58,649it's for people so sadly there's anotherone so this is the Palouse region and2500:01:58,649 --> 00:02:03,619Washington young ball is rolling hillsthe Sun is rising off to one side and I2600:02:03,619 --> 00:02:06,500want to mention something approachingmention a couple times throughout the2700:02:06,500 --> 00:02:11,110class here is that unlike thinking as Igo through all these types of light that2800:02:11,110 --> 00:02:15,269you're gonna go out there and you'regonna start looking for every single one2900:02:15,269 --> 00:02:17,670of these days the way that I think thisclass blows3000:02:17,670 --> 00:02:22,300and in I think it's something yourewatch one time one thing gets to you3100:02:22,300 --> 00:02:24,980get out there you look at somethingsometimes you're going to get out there3200:02:24,980 --> 00:02:28,420there's going to be no side like what doyou do you know there's gonna be there3300:02:28,420 --> 00:02:32,590is no light at all what he do so as yougo through this I guess kind of keep3400:02:32,590 --> 00:02:36,610that keep that mindset that that's whatto look for things and we should be3500:02:36,610 --> 00:02:40,370aware like what direction can I shoot inwhat's happening and what things are3600:02:40,370 --> 00:02:45,550happening along all the different waysthat we can make a different photo to3700:02:45,550 --> 00:02:49,870use another one so just in in Coloradoagain the sun's rising over to the left3800:02:49,870 --> 00:02:54,120side you can see all the texture can seeall the dimension that we get the Sun3900:02:54,120 --> 00:02:58,280was rising behind me I wouldn't see thatit would be flat the Sun was rising4000:02:58,280 --> 00:03:02,150behind the mountain we will see thatwould be dark so we get all those4100:03:02,150 --> 00:03:08,049texture here's an interesting example soput this one first this is this is a4200:03:08,049 --> 00:03:13,239place in Moab and it's called it's it'sin the Windows areas clinical turret4300:03:13,239 --> 00:03:20,440arch and everybody shoots this atsunrise and so I got their hands path I4400:03:20,440 --> 00:03:24,910mean it literally 25 30 people there andit's it's hard to even get a spot to4500:03:24,910 --> 00:03:27,480shoot you gotta move around rockseverything everybody should sit at4600:03:27,480 --> 00:03:32,900sunrise so I shot at sunrise and I neverreally liked the photo cause to me it4700:03:32,900 --> 00:03:38,600was just kind of flat and I went back soI'm thinking about case of the sun's4800:03:38,600 --> 00:03:43,019coming up over here then is gonna gohere's the arts and the Sun comes up4900:03:43,019 --> 00:03:47,670over there and it's going to go aroundat sunset i'm gonna get a light just5000:03:47,670 --> 00:03:49,310kinda coming through it5100:03:49,310 --> 00:03:54,660decidedly through it so I'm back atsunset that photo5200:03:54,660 --> 00:03:58,709to me that's a nicer photo your tastesmay be different every but it's it's not5300:03:58,709 --> 00:04:02,190about what's better worse or anythinglike that it just to me this is a nicer5400:04:02,190 --> 00:04:06,510photo I like I like the room like I likethe contrast between the rock this5500:04:06,510 --> 00:04:09,760little rock that's not what so these arethings that you can think about when5600:04:09,760 --> 00:04:14,269you're out there you know you make it toa place you go here everybody go to Mesa5700:04:14,269 --> 00:04:17,760arch everybody's gonna tell you tosunrise spot right but there's gonna be5800:04:17,760 --> 00:04:20,880times where you get somewhere and youdon't know who may be traveling5900:04:20,880 --> 00:04:24,370somewhere you may see you spot me say Iwant to come back and shoot this when6000:04:24,370 --> 00:04:27,210you shoot at sunrise or sunset sohopefully you can kind of keep these6100:04:27,210 --> 00:04:27,540things6200:04:27,540 --> 00:04:34,780in mind here so this is this is beforesunrise alright so this is notice all6300:04:34,780 --> 00:04:38,550the patterns in the texture it's therebut it's not really it's not really6400:04:38,550 --> 00:04:42,140coming out and I talked about texturebeing one of those things decidedly so6500:04:42,140 --> 00:04:46,390we take a look at this photo see how wenow we get all those contours and all6600:04:46,390 --> 00:04:51,390those textures and that's just the firstlike coming up now we wait a little bit6700:04:51,390 --> 00:04:58,450while like it's higher now I didn't getto deeper gets deeper in contrast here6800:04:58,450 --> 00:05:02,390so it's still coming in from the sidebut you can see what's happening here so6900:05:02,390 --> 00:05:05,210I guess a lot of it depends on whatyou're looking for7000:05:05,210 --> 00:05:08,700there you know think about what happensthink about what you're shooting do you7100:05:08,700 --> 00:05:13,800want to load the late higher things likethat and you can get different photos7200:05:13,800 --> 00:05:17,150here's another one just you know thelights coming in from the side I'm7300:05:17,150 --> 00:05:21,370looking at it and and you know again I'mnot the light guy like I don't see late7400:05:21,370 --> 00:05:25,610but what I am looking at my car so I seethese trees I see this light coming in7500:05:25,610 --> 00:05:33,190and what school is it's half so to methat it's not all about the latest to me7600:05:33,190 --> 00:05:38,650there's something that's half way that'skind of cool one last example in here7700:05:38,650 --> 00:05:42,580just 22 kind of transfer this to justshooting around to not only shooting7800:05:42,580 --> 00:05:46,360landscapes so here's this display swearthat you know you can kind of see where7900:05:46,360 --> 00:05:51,550the Sun is over on the left there youknow it's it's insane I forget the name8000:05:51,550 --> 00:05:56,530of it in San Diego wasn't a whole lotgoing on I'm there in in not greatly8100:05:56,530 --> 00:06:00,300lessened over there it's it's probablynine or ten o'clock in the morning but8200:06:00,300 --> 00:06:04,820as I walk around I think about this soI'm thinking okay what what looks good8300:06:04,820 --> 00:06:08,850side but looks good so I find someplaceif you look off in the distance in the8400:06:08,850 --> 00:06:14,520middle you see the larges so I get anerror and now I have signed by coming in8500:06:14,520 --> 00:06:18,760and it gives you give you those little8600:06:18,760 --> 00:06:23,310almost you it's almost an upside-downyou shape of like going in there and8700:06:23,310 --> 00:06:27,650that's that's the kind of things that Istarted to look for so how to capture it8800:06:27,650 --> 00:06:32,590think about where the light is thelights on your side this is sadly