

适当提高炉渣碱度,保证一定的镁铝比。采用合理的造渣制度是降硅的必要条件,维持较高的炉渣碱度对低硅冶炼有利。因为随着碱度的提高,渣中CaO与SiO2容易生成3CaO.SiO2和2 CaO.SiO2等化合物,降低了滴落带中中间渣的活度,抑制了硅的还原。此外,随着碱度提高,铁水物理热升高,有利于炉渣脱硫和降低硅素。考虑到永钢外围条件波动频繁,对炉况稳定带来的不利影响,二元碱度不宜过高,因为较高的碱度需要较高的热量,高炉降硅过程中不可避免的会出现亏热现象,而热量降低带来的最大危害在炉渣流动性和脱硫效果变差,一旦外围条件大幅度变化调剂不及时,容易造成炉缸工作变差,给高炉稳定顺行带来不利影响。而适当提高渣中MgO含量,保证一定的镁铝比,既可以保证炉渣脱硫效果,提高炉渣流动性,保证生铁质量。从当前的冶炼实践看,镁铝比应保持在0.65以上,上限不高于0.8%,以避免过高的MgO造成烧结矿成本上升和质量下降。
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結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
ObjectiveReducing Silicon content in molten iron is not only good for iron, also has greater benefits for steelmaking. According to multiple enterprise statistics, Silicon 0.1%, fuel ratio 4kg/t, production increased five and makes stable furnace conditions along the line. For steel-making, reduction of Silicon can greatly reduce the consumption of desiliconization reaction of lime and slag, improve the refining effect of steelmaking process; and with the reduced slag and steelmaking smelting time and productivity. Therefore, low Silicon smelting of iron and steel enterprises is necessary, is the important benefits of enterprise growth.Push all the blast furnace ironmaking plant of low Silicon smelting is the synchronized, each has different characteristics for blast furnace, the situation is not the same, some conditions of blast furnace itself well, blast furnace equipment itself is poor. Through mutual learning and mutual differences of blast furnace, blast furnaces with different degrees of progress.We blast since its May low Silicon smelting have obvious economic benefits, iron works as a whole average 19673 increased daily output from April to May of 20277 tons, basically stable in June at 20700 tons, of Silicon by more than 0.5% down to 0.413%, in June essentially stable at around 0.38%, furnace-grade decline in yield under the condition of progress, have obvious economic benefits. Steel-making molten iron production gradually reduced after the inclusion of the amount of scrap, alone will cost 10 million Yuan a month, plus benefits of fuel ratio, lower cost nearly 15 million a month, since the introduction of low Silicon smelting furnace condition remained stable, with the further improvement of furnace, the indicators are there is room for improvement.1.2 principles of low Silicon smelting: silicon heat, losing hot Silicon does not drop. To achieve low Silicon smelting, the hearth must have sufficient physical heat guarantee, hearth heat will damage the normal distribution of air flow, causing hearth disorders, fuel rate soared furnace along the line was broken. Furnace cooling is most causes of abnormal furnace condition, furnace cool to blast furnace brought harm is enormous. Therefore, low Silicon smelting hearth must pay attention to the heat only furnace heat energy, Silicon space, can blast furnaces to produce benefits.1.3 the benefits of low Silicon smelting: reducing Silicon content in molten iron is not only good for iron, also has greater benefits for steelmaking. According to multiple enterprise statistics, Silicon 0.1%, fuel ratio 4kg/t, production 0.5-0.7%, and conducive to stable furnace conditions along the line. For steel-making, reduction of Silicon can greatly reduce the consumption of desiliconization reaction of lime and slag, improve the refining effect of steelmaking process; and with the reduced slag and steelmaking smelting time and productivity. Therefore, low Silicon smelting of iron and steel enterprises is necessary, is the important benefits of enterprise growth.1.4 measures for low Silicon smeltingMeasures of low Silicon smelting:Strengthening the management of raw fuel into the furnace, blast furnace concentrate is the same topic, it is also necessary for blast furnace made good economic and technical indicators. Here by told of concentrate does not necessarily non-to into furnace grade how how high, coke quality how how good, non-to reached must of standard only is concentrate, because on currently for, steel enterprise most in profit or losses operation, upstream raw materials price drop below steel products drop, so, current steel enterprise has not too pursuit high of into furnace grade and had good of Coke quality, low cost strategy has became current steel enterprises of pursuit direction, how in original fuel conditions variable poor of situation Xia achieved BF stable Shun line, How to maximize benefits to be achieved in the enterprise. Blast furnace, strengthen raw material and fuel management is mainly in three aspects: a stable burden structure, stability and change in blast furnace operation is relative, change is absolute, but stability is our goal. Stability of raw materials is to ask the charging structure is relatively stable, not to frequent adjustments, because any changes in the raw material will affect the change of cohesive zone, particularly when material changes or significant changes in the same proportion greater impact, blast three disorders in late May and was a significant decline in the proportion of sinter pellets ratio increased significantly. Coke, coke factory steel procurement, miscellaneous, Stacker, there are still many problems, plus wing located in the South, frequent rain, humidity fluctuations, resulting in actual moisture of Coke fluctuates, blast-furnace fuel ratio fluctuates, coke now gradually plain and direct, and stability has been enhanced. Second is to strengthen screening management, reduce the powder into the furnace. High blast furnace raw material requirements, ripe, clean, stable, small, uniform, with net is the emphasis on screen powder, by strengthening under the screen, reduce the powder into the furnace, steel, lump ore, sieving difficult by increasing amplitude of vibration sieve, extended vibration time, timely replacement of check screen ensure maximum screening effect. Three is the raw material components are relatively stable. Currently, sintering mine components alkalinity fluctuations still larger, especially alkalinity fluctuations, to slag alkalinity balance brings is big problem, led charge structure adjustment frequently, BF stability have not to guarantee; II is material field in heap take Coke aspects also exists problem, although achieved has on entry Coke for tile, reduced has different manufacturers Coke brings of components and water fluctuations, but material field in to BF material warehouse Shang material aspects and no real achieved straight take, but for heap frequently, caused BF fuel than fluctuations larger, temperature to control. Material should be strengthened after heaping and taking the material aspects of learning and supervision actually provide relatively stable raw materials for blast furnace.Increased air temperature, reduce Coke consumption. Hot air is the cheapest source of energy, practice has proved that the air temperature each increased 100 ℃, the focal ratio decreased 10-20kg/t, production increased and, in addition, high temperature furnace high temperature area down, reduce the height reduction of silicon, which makes smelting low Silicon pig iron. Using high-temperature can be combined with fuel injection, high temperature to compensate for Jet fuel needed to heat and furnace along the line, at the same time, you can avoid air inlet area the theoretical combustion temperature is too high leads to formation of SiO, and ease the hearth temperature gradient in horizontal and vertical direction, conducive to stable furnace conditions along the line. Steel blast furnaces at present low air temperature, 7 small blast temperature level only about 1050-1130, of which 1 blast temperature of only 950 ° c, 7 blast temperature of 1050 ° c, but early temperature differences of up to 150 ℃, bring greater difficulties to blast furnace operation. Blast temperature significantly lower than the domestic advanced level of similar-type blast furnace, causing focal ratio is too high, bring some difficulties to Silicon. By optimizing furnace, improve operations, and stable gas consumption, increasing oxygen enriched air temperature increase, such as 20-30, equivalent to decreasing Coke ratio of 5kg/t.Set reasonable upper and lower parts of the operation system, improve gas utilization. On the blast furnace operation pay attention to live under stable, lower with high winds blew through the Center, loose upper right edge. For blast furnace, to ensure stability along the line to obtain better economic and technical indicators, needs two gas flow and edge away from the Center, to reach the Center air is plentiful, margins steady uniform. Overemphasize the Center or edges are one-sided, especially in small blast furnace, external conditions and volatile must ensure airflow on the basis of the loose edges of the Centre, otherwise the edge overweight easily slip even hanging, edge light and easy to create the conditions and volatile fuel rate rise. After making adjustments for several blast furnaces and several blast furnaces now basically stable, also has some improvements. Try to keep air in the ventilation systems such as length, diameter, outlet length should be not less than 5% of the hearth diameter edge uneven airflow first adjust air outlet diameter, then adjust the outlet length, for now, a factory blast furnace Tuyere modest adjustments, plant blast furnace Tuyere is obviously too short in length, damping down a chance to adjust.Increasing slag basicity, guarantees a certain amount of mg-Al ratio. Using reasonable slag is necessary for Silicon, maintenance of slag basicity on the low Silicon smelting with high advantage. Because with the increase of alkalinity, slag of CaO and SiO2 easily generate 3CaO.SiO2 and 2 CaO.SiO2 compounds, reduces the activity of slag in the dropping zone, inhibited the reduction of Silicon. In addition, as the alkalinity increases, increased physical heat of molten iron and slag desulfurization and reduced Silicon. Consider to Yong steel peripheral conditions fluctuations frequently, on furnace condition stable brings of adverse effect, II Yuan alkalinity should not be high, because high of alkalinity need high of heat, BF drop silicon process in the inevitable of will appeared lost hot phenomenon, and heat reduced brings of maximum against in slag liquidity and desulfurization effect variable poor, once peripheral conditions significantly changes transfers not timely, easy caused furnace cylinder work variable poor, to BF stable Shun line brings adverse effect. And appropriate improving MgO content in the slag, guarantee a certain amount of magnesium-aluminum, which can keep the slag desulfurization effect, improving slag fluidity, guarantee the quality of pig iron. From the perspective of current practice, mg-Al ratio should be maintained above 0.65, the ceiling not higher than 0.8% in order to avoid excessive caused rising costs and declining quality of the sinter MgO.Improving furnace top pressure. Top pressure increases, the gas velocity decreased, extended gas residence time in the furnace to improve gas utilization. While top pressure is raised, then it can inhibit the direct reduction of SiO2 (C+SiO2---SiO+CO2), reduction of SiO gas generation, to some extent, lower hot metal silicon. Steel before the small blast furnace top pressure is low, only about 140Kpa has now increased to 145-150KPa, can solve the low permeability of blast furnace grade variation problems, ensures stable into the furnace air flow, in part on Silicon reduction played a role. But in terms of top pressure uses, plant several blast furnaces ran into some problems, effects 4 blast furnace gas tightness box for low pressure, only 115Kpa, low over the same type of blast furnace plant three 30KPa above, this blast was forced to use longer air inlet reduce pressure, has had a certain impact on the edge of the blast furnace gas control. 5-7 service towards the end of a blast furnace, hot air system problems, the wind pressure limit less than 280KPa also had a certain influence on blast furnace with wind.Implementation of temperature trends in management. Temperature trend of blast furnace operation management is difficult. So-called trend of management are various factors that affect temperature (including the cause and effect of time), air condition, temperature changes of status and development direction of trends, movements and effects, comprehensive analysis and judgment, in accordance with the trend of temperature, adjust the heat levels in advance. Instead of taking the situation of temperature (now [Si] level) variable temperature, thus reducing the temperature fluctuations, less to early results. If it is not managed according to the temperature trend, just look at [Si] or hot metal temperature to adjust temperature, lags behind temperature changes will occur due to heating overdo temperature hot or sharp to cool in temperature caused by continuous reduction of heat, temperature fluctuations and volatility.1.5 practical problems in productionThe current [Si] or hot metal temperature reflects the results of heat balance the lead before, notwithstanding the judgment of temperature reference value, but you cannot adjust temperature according to. Because BF operation has hot inertia, temperature is with various factors of changes is evolution among, now temperature cool of stove may is to hot, also may continues to to cool, now furnace warm of stove may has in to cool, also may continues to to hot, if just in accordance with now temperature adjustable temperature, on may lag Yu temperature of development trend, and direction unknown to in adjustable temperature, often only will increased temperature of fluctuations. And on Yu Yonggang BF for, wind temperature level low, original fuel fluctuations big, coupled with South weather changes wet points changes big, foreman operation level by limited, workshop management not is in place, situation, caused temperature fluctuations larger, appeared had mountain car type of fluctuations, temperature low Shi, foreman reduction wind free and range partial big, temperature uplink trend Shi foreman added wind not timely, but according to out iron Shi actual temperature situation for adjustment, operation lag caused temperature sharply uplink; temperature high Shi, reduction coal time long, temperature trend has down Shi transfers not in place Is based on actual transfers the iron furnace, resulting in transfer delay, temperature drop more, and so forth, causing roller-coaster temperature fluctuations, created great difficulties for airflow stability in furnace, also bring adverse effects to indicators of progress. Foreman might be revised to abandon air temperature, wind all oxygen, reduce reduce air, once the temperature is too low or physical heat below the limit under Visual control of wind, air, there is an upward trend in time increases, to minimize the loss.Many factors affect the temperature, for example, into the furnace of raw material conditions, the air temperature grade, rain and snow, dispensing operation, furnace conditions along the line, and so on. For big of original fuel changes, like sintering mine proportion reduced, and large distribution eat landing mine, and health mine proportion increased,, easy caused Coke than increased, at to timely reduce load; for snow weather, coke water of changes to timely for adjustment, also due to air humidity increases, caused actual into furnace air increased, material speed speed up, at also should according to run material situation timely control oxygen volume, prevent Super ye strong caused temperature reduced. Foreman be ye strong ideas, running three shifts to stable for 8 hours, super great harm ye strong, easily caused a decline in temperature, cool in furnace caused by poorly controlled, so foreman speed to always pay attention when hours of operation, more than normal speed time to lighten the load and, if necessary, by controlling oxygen ye strong slow speed to ensure stability.Improve the level of foremen actions, fine operation. In order to achieve better economic and technical indicators, must be strengthened and refined action to quantify quantifiable things, reduce arbitrary actions. For a long time, steel foreman wind operation reduction as a means of controlling temperature, when temperature is low free to wind reduction, and reduced number of wind at will, there is no specific quantitative criteria,Strengthening equipment maintenance, reducing unplanned break wind and slow wind.
結果 (英文) 3:[復制]
It is not only beneficial for iron smelting to reduce silicon content in hot metal, it also has good benefit for steelmaking.. According to the statistics of many enterprises, the silicon element per 0.1% reduction, fuel ratio of 4kg/t, yield increase 5 - 7%, and are good for the stability of the furnace.. For steelmaking, to reduce the silicon element can reduce the amount of desilication reaction consumption of lime and slag quantity and improve the process of steelmaking refining effect; at the same time with the reduction of the amount of slag, smelting time is shortened and improve the productivity. Therefore, the low silicon smelting for iron and steel enterprise is imperative, is an enterprise important benefit growth point. Advancing low silicon smelting is carried out synchronously with all the blast furnace of the whole iron smelting plant.,Each blast furnace has different characteristics, the situation is not the same, some of the blast furnace itself is better, some of the blast furnace itself is equipped with a little bit. Through the mutual learning, mutual benchmarking for the gap of blast furnace, blast furnace has a different degree of progress.
we Yonggang blast furnace since may implement low silicon smelting has obvious economic benefit and the ironmaking plant daily output from the April average 19673 tons rise to 20277 tons in May, June is basically stable in more than 20700 tons, silicon by more than 0.5% dropped to 0.413%, June is basically stable at about 0.38%, grade into the furnace decreased the realized yield indicators of progress and economic benefits obvious.Steelmaking since the hot metal output increased and then gradually reduce the amount of scrap to join the monthly only reduced the cost of 10 million yuan, plus fuel to bring down the efficiency ratio of per month to reduce the cost of nearly 15 million, since the implementation of the low silicon smelting, furnace remained the smooth and stable, with a further improvement in the furnace, the indicators have progress of space.
1.2 principle of low silicon smelting: the silicon does not drop the heat, the heat loss is not reduced silicon. To achieve low silicon smelting, must do to ensure adequate hearth thermal physics, heat would undermine the airflow of the normal distribution hearth deficit, resulting in hearth disorders, fuel ratio significantly increased, operation of BF is broken.The cooling of the furnace is the cause of most of the furnace conditions, the harm caused by the furnace cooling to the blast furnace is enormous.. Therefore, low silicon smelting, you must pay attention to the hearth heat, only hearth heat abundant, in order to have a drop of silicon space to the blast furnace produce benefits.
1.3 low silicon smelting benefits: the reduction of silicon content in hot metal is not only beneficial for iron smelting, and also has a greater benefit for steelmaking. According to the statistics of many enterprises, the silicon element per 0.1% reduction, fuel ratio of 4kg/t, yield increase 0.5 - 0.7%, and are good for the stability of the furnace.. In the case of steel smelting, it can reduce the amount of lime and slag, and improve the refining effect of the process.;At the same time, with the reduction of slag amount, smelting time and productivity increase. Therefore, the low silicon smelting for iron and steel enterprise is imperative, is an enterprise important benefit growth point.
1.4 low silicon smelting measures
low silicon smelting measures:
strengthen the original fuel into the furnace management, fine material is the same topic, but also blast furnace to obtain good economic and technical indicators of the necessary conditions. What tell here concentrate not necessarily to grade into the furnace how high, coke quality how good, to reach a certain standard to concentrate, because for now, iron and steel enterprises mostly in profit or loss in operation,Upstream raw materials prices decline below the decline of steel products. Therefore, the iron and steel enterprises has not excessive pursuit of high grade into the furnace and coke quality, low cost strategy has become the pursuit direction of current steel prices, how to realize stability of BF, in case of deterioration of raw material and fuel condition, how to make comprehensive benefits maximized become enterprises in their efforts to the goal. Blast furnace, to strengthen the management of raw materials and fuel is mainly in three aspects: one is the stability of the furnace charge structure, blast furnace operation stability and change is relative, change is absolute, but stability is our pursuit of the goal. Is a stable raw material requirements of burden structure is relatively stable, not frequent adjustment,Because any kind of raw material changes will affect the soft melting zone changes, especially changes or the same proportion of the material greatly change material impact larger, late May factory blast furnace abnormal is and then sintering ore proportion greatly decreased the proportion of pellet rose sharply on. Coke, Yonggang procurement coke manufacturers, mixed breed, stockyard stacker and Reclaimer aspects still exist many problems, plus Yonggang, located in the south, frequent rain, large fluctuations in atmospheric humidity, resulting in coke actual moisture fluctuations larger, blast furnace fuel ratio greater volatility, now coke gradually realize tile straight, ingredient stability has been strengthened. Two is to strengthen the screening management,Reduce powder into the furnace. Requirements of blast furnace raw material to high, cooked, net, stability, small and uniform, the net is to emphasize the sieve net powder, by strengthening the slot sieve to reduce powder into the furnace, to Yonggang, lump ore varieties varied, sieving difficult, by increasing the vibration amplitude of the sieve, prolonged vibration feeding time, timely replacement of check the screen and to maximize the screening effect is ensured. Three is the original fuel ingredients to be relatively stable. At present, sinter composition alkalinity fluctuation is still large, especially alkalinity fluctuation, to slag basicity balance brings a big problem, resulting in frequent burden structure adjustment and stability of blast furnace can not be guaranteed.The second is material field in reactor coke problems still exist, although the realization of the tile on the approach of coke, reduce the coke from different manufacturers to bring the composition and moisture fluctuations, but the material field in to blast furnace bunker feeding did not realize direct, but stack changing frequently, resulting in high furnace fuel ratio fluctuations, temperature is difficult to control. We should strengthen the material field study and the supervision of the stacker, really provide a relatively stable raw material for blast furnace.
improve hot blast temperature, reducing coke. The wind is the most cheap energy, practice, air temperature increase for each 100 DEG C, coke rate decreased by 10 20kg/t, the yield increase, in addition,High temperature can lower the high temperature zone and decrease the height of the silicon reduction, so it is advantageous for smelting low silicon iron.. Using high temperature air can also and fuel injection combined, high blast temperature can compensation injection fuel to heat, it is beneficial to the operation of BF. At the same time, can also avoid tuyere theoretical combustion temperature is too high cause SiO formation of excessive, and ease of horizontal and vertical direction of the hearth temperature gradient, is conducive to the steady operation of furnace condition. Yonggang blast furnace air temperature is low, seven small BF air temperature only 1050-1130 DEG C, among them 1 blast furnace air temperature only 950 DEG C, 7 blast furnace air temperature although there are 1050 DEG C, but at the end of the beginning temperature up to 150 DEG C,To bring the blast furnace operation more difficult. Blast furnace air temperature is much lower than the domestic advanced level of the same type of blast furnace, resulting in high coke rate, bring some difficulties to the silicon reduction. Through optimizing the burning furnace and improve the operation, stable gas consumption, appropriate increase enriched oxygen will air temperature increase 20 - 30 DEG C, which is equivalent to reducing coke 5kg/t. Formulate reasonable upper and lower operating system, improve coal gas utilization. The operation of the blast furnace is about the stability of the furnace, the lower part is with high wind speed and the center, and the upper appropriate loose edge.. For the blast furnace, to ensure the stable operation of the economic and technical indicators, the need to center and edge of the two gas flow, to achieve the central air flow,Edge stability uniform. Too much emphasis on center or the edge is one-sided, especially small blast furnace, peripheral big fluctuations in raw material condition, must be to ensure the air flow center based on appropriate loose edge, otherwise the edge overweight easily lead to collapse even suspended material, edge of the light and easy to cause fluctuations in furnace conditions, fuel ratio increased. After several blast furnace material adjustment, at present, several blast furnace basic achieved stable, the index also has some improvement. Send wind system as far as possible the request tuyere equal length and diameter, tuyeres length should not be less than 5% of the diameter of hearth, edge airflow uneven first when adjusting tuyere diameter, secondly adjusting tuyere length.From the present situation, a factory blast furnace outlet adjustment is not much, the length of the two plant blast furnace is obviously shorter, there is a chance to adjust the wind opportunity.
increasing slag basicity, guarantee the mg / Al ratio. Reasonable slagging system is a necessary condition for reducing silicon, maintain high basicity of slag for low silicon smelting favorable. Because with the increase of basicity, slag of Cao and SiO2 is easy to generate 3CaO.SiO2 and 2 CaO.SiO2 and other compounds that reduce the dropping zone of middle slag activity, inhibit the reduction of silicon. In addition, with the increase of alkalinity, the physical heat of hot metal is increased, which is beneficial to slag desulfurization and the reduction of silicon.. Considering the conditions surrounding the frequent fluctuations of steel,To stabilize the furnace condition brings adverse effect, binary alkalinity should not be too high, will be inevitable because of the higher alkalinity needs a higher heat, blast furnace and silicon reduction process appear to lose heat and heat to reduce the greatest harm in slag fluidity and desulfurization effect becomes worse, once the external conditions change on a large scale relief is not timely, easy to cause the condition of hearth, to the stability of BF brings adverse effects. And appropriate to increase the MgO content in slag, ensure that the mg / Al ratio, not only can ensure the effect of slag desulfurization, improve the fluidity of the slag, ensure the quality of pig iron. From the current practice of smelting, mg / Al ratio should be maintained at more than 0.65,
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