早期某些強國擁有很多殖民地, 而殖民地的人為了方便與強國的長官溝通, 會創造出新的一種語言,特色就是以母語的表達方式為基本架構再搭配一些簡單的英文翻譯

早期某些強國擁有很多殖民地, 而殖民地的人為了方便與強國的長官溝通,

早期某些強國擁有很多殖民地, 而殖民地的人為了方便與強國的長官溝通, 會創造出新的一種語言,特色就是以母語的表達方式為基本架構再搭配一些簡單的詞彙. 舉例來說印度曾是英屬殖民地, 為了跟英國人溝通所以印度人使用印度話的表達模式再加上一些簡單的英文詞彙. 因為生活上必須跟英國人時常接觸, 導致印度人必須使用印式英語跟英國人溝通的頻率大幅增加,而經過時間的洗禮印式英語慢慢取代了印度話而變成印度人的lingua franca, 也就是變成印度人最常使用的語言.
原始語言: -
目標語言: -
結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
Some have a lot of power in the early colonies, and colonies of people in order to facilitate communication with executive powers, will create a new language feature is the way to express the mother tongue as the basic framework and then with a few simple words. For example, India has is a British colony, so the Indians in order to communicate with the British in India using the expression patterns coupled with some simple words of English vocabulary. because life must be constantly in contact with the British, leading the Indians must use English to communicate with the British Indian the substantial increase in the frequency, and the baptism of Indian English time slowly replacing the word India and Indians become a lingua franca, is to become the most commonly used language of the Indians.
結果 (英文) 2:[復制]
Some of the early powers had many colonies, and the colonists, in order to facilitate communication with the powerful's chiefs, would create a new language featuring the basic structure of the mother tongue expression and the combination of simple words. India, for example, was a British colony, and in order to communicate with the British Indians Indians used Indian expression patterns plus some simple English vocabulary. Because life must be in constant contact with the British, resulting in indians must use Indian English to communicate with the British frequency increased significantly, and after the baptism of time Indian English slowly replaced the Indian language into the Indian lingua franca, that is, become the most commonly used language of Indians. ...
結果 (英文) 3:[復制]
In the early days, some powerful countries had many colonies. In order to facilitate communication with the leaders of powerful countries, the colonists would create a new language, which is characterized by the native language expression as the basic structure and some simple words. For example, India was once a British colony, so in order to communicate with the British, the Indians used the Indian language expression mode plus some simple words English vocabulary. Because of the frequent contact with British people in daily life, the frequency of Indians having to use Indian English to communicate with British people has increased dramatically. After a long time of baptism, Indian English has gradually replaced the Indian language and become the lingua franca of Indians, that is, the most commonly used language of Indians<br>
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