Asimismo, uno de los ineludibles fue Lionel Messi por quien le consultaron y su reciente lesión. La “pulga”, que se lesionó ante UD Las Palmas no estará en las próximas seis semanas. Xavi, quien siempre admiró al argentino lamentó el infortunio y espera que mejore el equipo sin él: “Es verdad que es una lesión importantísima, pero el equipo irá para arriba y hay material para que no se note su ausencia”. Además, le tiró flores a la plantilla: “Hay un equipo humano y un entrenador que tiene las cosas claras”. Xavi ha estado presente en la entrega del Balón de Oro, incluso quedó a un paso de alzar la insignia. Pero, su excompañero Lionel Messi le arrebató el premio mayor en el 2010. El de Terrassa no tiene dudas quien será el próximo ganador: “Este año va a ser de Messi sin lugar a dudas, por el triplete y por el año que ha tenido, Leo ha estado en un nivel espectacular. Detrás de él y Cristiano, Suárez y Neymar son futbolistas que marcan diferencias y goles”.
In addition, one of the inescapable was Lionel Messi who looked him and his recent injury. "Flea", which he injured against UD Las Palmas will not be in the next six weeks. Xavi, who always admired the Argentina regretted the misfortune and hoped that better team without him: "It is true that it is a very important injury, but team will go up and there are material for his absence is not noticeable". In addition, flowers shot it to the template: "There is a team and a coach that has things clear". Xavi has been present in the delivery of the Golden Ball, even came within a step of boosting logo. But his former teammate Lionel Messi snatched the prize in 2010. The Terrassa has no doubt who will be the next winner: "this year is going to be Messi's without a doubt, the triplet and the year that has been, Leo has been on a spectacular level." Behind him, and Christian Suarez and Neymar are footballers who set goals and differences."

Also, one of the inevitable was Lionel Messi who consulted him and his recent injury. The "flea", who was injured against UD Las Palmas will not be in the next six weeks. Xavi, who always admired the Argentine lamented the misfortune and hopes to improve the team without him: "It is certainly a major injury, but the team will go up and there is material for his absence was not noticed." In addition, he threw flowers to the staff: "There is a team and a coach who has the record straight". Xavi has participated in the delivery of the Golden Ball, he even was on the verge of raising his badge. But his former teammate Lionel Messi snatched the top prize in 2010. The Terrassa has no doubt who will be the next winner: "This year will be Messi, for the triplet and for the year without a doubt that he has Leo has been on a dramatic level. Behind him and Christian Suarez and Neymar are players who make a difference and goals. "

Also, one of the unavoidable was Lionel Messi who consulted him and his recent injury. "Flea", who was injured with Ud las palmas will not be in the next six weeks. Xavi, who always admired the Argentine regretted the misfortune and expected to improve the team without him: "is it true that an injury is very important.But the team is going up and there's material to not notice his absence. " In addition, threw flowers to the staff: "There is a team and a coach who has things Clear." Xavi has been present in the delivery of the ball of Gold, even became a way of raising the Flag. But, his former Teammate Lionel Messi took the top Prize in 2010.The Terrassa has no doubt who will be the next Winner this year will be: "Messi certainly On The Triplet and the year you've had, Leo has been a spectacular level. Behind him and Christian, Suarez and Neymar are players that Marked differences and Goals. "