<p> has a "burst" pus Fetish abnormal acid are blessed to have a foreign well-known remove acne and tumor expert Sandra Lee, and "Shu" squeeze acne share video on YouTube, and this brings "potato giant pox"! Light read feel good right XD (don"t get too arrogant) because this is not an ordinary "pox pox"! Are you ready to move on? <br / ><span style= "color: RGB (255, 0, 0);" ><strong><br / >Please note: please consider good bloody screen viewing! </strong></span><br / ><strong>.</strong></p><p><strong>.</strong></p><p><strong>.</strong><br / >There is a "<span style= color: RGB <strong> we visit the man on the arm (255, 0, 0);" > "acne" in the </span> hills, can feel the tension... It is the eruption of </strong><br / ><img src= "http://static.ettoday.net/images/2119/2119351.jpg" width= "600" height= "335" alt= "/><br" / ><br / ><strong> </strong><span style= so it even swollen to "color: RGB (255, 0, 0);" ><strong> burst blood </strong></span>. <br / >Src= http://static.ettoday.net/images/2119/2119352.jpg "<img" width= "600" height= "336" alt= "/></p>"<p><strong> you </strong><span style= "color: RGB (255, 0, 0);" ><strong> see the doctor finished ~ so I want to enter the operation room, ↓ ↓ ↓ </strong></span><br / ><iframe width= "600" height= "315" src= "https://www.youtube.com/embed/z0l8KGT3GmU" frameborder= "0" allowfullscreen= "></iframe><br" / ><br / >The basic <strong><span style= has watched the movie "color: RGB (255, 0, 0);" > beyond the diastolic pressure feeling </span></strong>, → the end is like watching a horror movie, the body nerves finally relaxed! <br / ><br / ><strong> you really scared me in! I never cheated in to see (why cover ears): </strong><br<img src= "http://static.ettoday.net/images/2119/2119365.jpg" width= "500" height= "291" alt= "/><br" / ><br / >Href= https://www.youtube.com/watch "<strong>via:</strong><a? V=z0l8KGT3GmU" target= "_blank" ><strong>youtube</strong></a></p>