If a person has never ever been away from his or her familiar world, it would have to be a part of the choice. Of course, there are a thousand reasons for us to decide to move to another place: study, an interesting job, follow relatives, love, change for economics , politics, the environment, health or simply the feeling of experiencing life somewhere else. When people want, there's no reason to. Or if you don't want to, the explanation is equally unreasonable.<br><br>There is a cycle for distant life. It's every six months, a bunch of old people will leave and then a wave of new ones, especially in the modern and developed cities of Europe, America and Australia. This cycle is perhaps partially influenced by the student intake and over time of semester admission at the university. These trips increased unusually in June and December, with the number of "new arrivals" in a city peaked in August and January.<br><br>If you are also about to be part of the line of "beginners", you will have to prepare psychophysical faces with quite a few problems at once. Whether your destination is advanced countries such as America, civilization such as Western Europe or democracy like northern Europe... The health, climate, home nostalgia, differences and strangeness are still barriers that can push you into countless difficult situations. Even those things can quickly dissipate your dreams and fantasies of your capital or cough about travel, cultural exchanges, food or language.