2.2. Extract preparation
The samples were ground in a Waring blender, and then 14 g of the homogenate were extracted with 0.15% HCl in acetone for 4 h in the dark at 4 °C, in a proportion of 1:4 (plant material-solvent). The filter cake residue was re-extracted in the same proportion with aqueous acetone (30:70 v/v) acidified with 0.15% of HCl. Filtrates were combined and vacuum concentrated at 35 °C. The concentrate was resuspended with 20 mL of acidified water with HCl at 0.15% and lyophilised (Christ. Mod. ALPHA 2–4). The lyophilised extracts were stored at −84 °C prior to analysis. Extractions were repeated on three independent samples.