41 A termbase is…
A standard electronic dictionary on CD ROM.
A glossary in either delimited text or Microsoft Excel format.
A database used for storing organization-specific terms.
A database that stores source and target segment fragments.
42 What is the file extension used for translation memories in SDL Trados Studio?
43 Which string is highlighted in the Concordance window?
The source or target search string depending on whether you searched in the source or in the target segment.
Only the target string, as concordance searches can only be carried out in the target language.
The source string that you looked up and the corresponding target string.
Only the source string, as concordance searches can only be carried out in the source language.
44 An Analyze Files report shows…
the number of line, words, and characters for one or more documents and the TM leverage.
the number of segments that have been pre-translated using the specified translation memory.
the number of segments, words and characters for one or more documents and the TM leverage.
the number of pages, segments, and words for one or more documents.
45 How can you generate a File Analysis report?
By right-clicking a file, and selecting Analyze Files from the context menu.
By double-clicking a file.
By right-clicking a file, and selecting Batch Task-> Analyze Files from the context menu.
Through the menu command Tools-> Analyze.
46 How do you generate a translation in its native format from an SDLXLIFF file?
Through File-> Save
Through File-> Save Source As
Through File-> Save Target As
Through File-> Print Preview
47 Can you customize the size of the text in the editor?
Yes, by clicking on the zoom button (magnifying glass icon).
Yes, by going to the Tools menu- Options - Editor - Font adaptation.
Only by increasing the font size in the original document, before you open it in Studio.
No, the size of the text is not customizable.
48 What is the default file extension for Microsoft Word 2007 documents?
49 When a DOC file is saved to SDLXLIFF, the extension will be (Name.DOC)
50 Is it possible to specify a default language pair that is always used when you open a single document?
Yes. Go to Tools - Options - Editor - Languages and choose your preferred language pair.
Yes. Once you have selected a language pair when opening a file, this choice will persist.
Yes. Go to Tools - Languages and set the language options.
No, you always have to choose the languages from a drop-down menu when you open a file.