between depression and type2 DM is unknown, any possible mechanism is probably driven by shared underlying biological and behavioral pathways such as hypothalamicY pituitaryYadrenalaxisactivation,inflammation,sleepdisturbances, an inactive lifestyle, poor dietary habits, and other environmental and cultural risk factors (Holt, de Groot, & Golden, 2014). A systematic review has shown that depression is associated with a 60% increase in the risk of type2 DM (Mezuk, Eaton, Albrecht, & Golden, 2008), and previous studies have shown that depression is a complication oftype2DM.Theprevalenceofdepressionvariesbycountry, although it typically ranges from 10% to 43% (Anderson, Freedland,Clouse,&Lustman,2001; Gary, Crum, CooperPatrick,Ford,&Brancati, 2000;Nanetal., 2012;Roy,Lloyd, Parvin, Mohiuddin, & Rahman, 2012), with comorbid diabetes and depression more common among more deprived populations(Alonso-Mora´n, Satylganova, Orueta, & Nun˜oSolinis, 2014).