Comparison shoppers are driven to find the best option or bestdeal among the available alternatives. When they finally maketheir selections, are they confident that they have made theirselection wisely? In a comparison-based choice (compared tothe alternative of buying whatever comes conveniently),consumers would have rejected some alternatives, judgingthem to be inferior or not as good a deal. This knowledge thatthe chosen alternative is superior must logically lead to higherconfidence in decision-making. However, an opposite effect isalso possible. Consumers who do not engage in comparisonshopping must have chosen the path of buying withoutcomparing most likely because they did not see the differencesbetween alternatives as materially significant (in terms of priceor quality). With nothing to lose in making their selection,they would have no reason to doubt the wisdom of theirselection. While acknowledging this possibility, we leantoward expecting a positive relationship due to the expectationthat the effort of due diligence is likely to produce the feelingof a better decision.Mazumdar and Monroe (1992) found that consumers whocompared prices were more confident of their price recall, andVermier et al. (2002) found that consumers who acquiredmore information (due to their higher need for closure) weremore confident in their decision. Comparison shoppersinevitably end up acquiring more information (price-related orotherwise), and basing their decisions on information theyacquired with personal effort must give them moreconfidence.