SCORPIO [Oct 24 - Nov 21]
With Venus, the planet of love and profit entering Leo in your house of career, you too may be experiencing some good hits and gifts on the work front. Mercury, the planet of communication and negotiation, is also entering this same sector on Wednesday, July 19, and together these two planetary bodies conspire to attract more of the long term bounty, as they form the best possible angle to Saturn, the planet of security, in your house of how your earn, The trends may be singing your praises in the work arena but with Venus aligned in this way, her love could be spilling over into all that you do, including the love that binds you to another. Something serious is securing itself in your life, whether it is a career prospect, a contractually binding agreement, such as the prospect of marriage, or else, an investment in your future that will allow for more stability. A Full Moon in serious Capricorn, of all signs, is climbing its way to completion on Tuesday, July 19, and although there is an unpredictable factor that looms, there is also a great deal of momentum that is keeping your head and heart in the game.
Lean into what is working in your favor and then take it all the way!