Concerning the markets for technology, the data emphasize that firms need a broader understanding of their environment than an exclusive focus on their traditional product domains (Arora et al., 2001; Teece, 2006). The importance of integrating general knowledge to enhance TCI underscores that prior knowledge related to a firm’s product domains is helpful but not sufficient to effectively identify licensing opportunities. As a complement, firms need to have a more general understanding of critical environmental conditions because the technology markets do not directly match the product markets (Arora et al., 2001; Fosfuri, 2006). The positive effect of integrating general knowledge on TCI points to the challenging situation that licensing opportunities for a firm’s technologies may often be in other industries and markets than a firm’s own product business. This finding is increasingly important in light of growing technology convergence and technology fusion (Kodama, 1992;Lichtenthaler, 2007).